
20 Reasons It's Awesome Growing Up Gifted

Gifted programs aren't all that bad.

20 Reasons It's Awesome Growing Up Gifted

In fact, gifted programs are good for your social life.

In fact, gifted programs are good for your social life.

"Looking back, it honestly probably would have been worse if I had not been put into the gifted program. I had one friend in 1st grade, and none in 2nd. Once I got into 3rd grade and the gifted program, I suddenly was able to find people who would actually be my friend. I started actually participating in class (without being that 'know-it-all') and just generally did much better socially."


The 'gifted' label is a great motivator.


"I took it the other way and used it as motivation, as something to live up to. I've been 'gifted' since fourth grade, went to special side programs, and always enrolled in enriched or AP courses ... My three siblings were all gifted too, three out of four of us becoming valedictorians of our high school classes; that's another standard here too. I graduated from an Ivy League last year but I still don't know what I want a career in, but I think that's me and not from the label."


It's pretty nice being a multi-talented star student.


"As an only child of two high-achieving academics, I grew up always feeling like I could excel in whatever I was doing. I was a decent musician, a better athlete, and an excellent student. While there was undoubtedly some stress from the label ... I feel that the label ultimately benefitted me."


And it's even better when you're surrounded by other brilliant students.

And it

"I think that people underestimate the value of the people you learn with. The environment of my gifted classes was one where genuine enthusiasm towards the subject matter was rewarded, at least a lot more than in regular classes. Not to mention that since I wasn't the smartest kid in the classroom when I went to my gifted classes, I felt more pressure to try and keep up, since I couldn't just coast through it like I usually did."


A higher standard inspires you to operate at a higher level for the rest of your life.

A higher standard inspires you to operate at a higher level for the rest of your life.

"It's strange to me to see all these people saying it hindered them. I held myself to a higher standard because I felt that I was being held to a higher standard. I just graduated yesterday with a degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. I've already had two interviews and have another one tomorrow. I definitely think the 'label' aided my success."


Excelling in school can be a safe haven from other stressors in life.

Excelling in school can be a safe haven from other stressors in life.

"I was raised in a single-parent, middle class family as an only child and I was alone the vast majority of the time. I was labeled as gifted in elementary school and on, and I felt like it really benefited me. It gave me the support and confidence to know that I was capable and worthy of achievement, which in turn gave me the motivation to seek out that achievement even in the absence of external motivators like parental involvement ... I always had school to escape in and excel at."


Spending hours on end on math problems pays off eventually.

Spending hours on end on math problems pays off eventually.

"It seems like this is one of those situations that works best when viewed in hindsight. Yeah, being surrounded by nerds and challenged by math problems when your 8-year-old self feels like going outside is viewed as punishment — but looking back 20 years later, I just feel like the whole experience overall taught me some unique skills for my age group."


Being brilliant makes it easier to saves lives, and the world.

Being brilliant makes it easier to saves lives, and the world.

"I'm about to start my third year of medical school, and I'm over the moon that I will be able to use my academic gifts to help people in a way that also makes me happy."


You never have to worry about someone else holding you back.

You never have to worry about someone else holding you back.

"I think it helped in two ways. When in a program with other smart kids, classes could move more quickly without people holding it back. We were also separated from all the mean kids who would likely tease us for being smart (yes, this is more a problem in like 2nd grade)."

(Ejisfun, Reddit 

You get handpicked to participate — and star — in enviable school activities.

You get handpicked to participate — and star — in enviable school activities.

"In some ways, it helped me. I always got selected throughout middle school and high school for conferences, events and competitions without having to undergo rigorous auditions and interviews."


Being gifted sets you up with incredible experiences and a creative learning environment.

Being gifted sets you up with incredible experiences and a creative learning environment.

"Once a week, we 'nerds' got shipped to another school for one day of 'enrichment' study ... We were allowed to identify a topic we wanted to research, formulate a thesis statement, spend a month researching the topic, and then present our findings to our class and teacher. This meant that by the time we were in junior high, we had a lot of experience with researching, writing and presenting in an academic environment (this really set me up for success in high school and college) ... I have to give a lot of credit to the teachers for facilitating this and allowing us so much intellectual freedom at such a young age — it kept us interested in school and learning."


Because of this, you develop a unique worldview.

Because of this, you develop a unique worldview.

"High points include non-standard studies and a lot of flexibility for independent study. We didn't take a history class, but we analysed current news stories and media in general for accuracy and bias. We didn't take a science class, but we learned scientific principles and how they apply to everyday life. We didn't take English, but every year we attended major productions of the symphony, ballet, play, and musicals ... I learned how to write an argumentative essay when I was 10. ... And that tendency towards analysis of the world around me has stuck, and I really enjoy that part of my worldview."


You learn self-discipline at a young age.

You learn self-discipline at a young age.

"I was never told outright, 'you're gifted, talented and smart,' but I knew teachers expected more from me than the rest of the kids. I liked knowing teachers challenged me and I honestly loved the work. It carried over into college. So many of my peers were skipping class, drinking or doing drugs copiously and then they would inevitably be the ones complaining come finals. It all comes down to one thing, self discipline. I learned that way back in third grade." 


Other people look up to you.

Other people look up to you.

"In my personal experience, the amount of people who seek out my help because I am considered 'intelligent' really improved my self confidence. Not only does it feel good to be recognized, but the sheer joy I get from assisting others and watching them improve is something I wouldn't trade for the world."


The confidence boost is enough to last a lifetime.

The confidence boost is enough to last a lifetime.

"Being told — and more importantly, knowing — that I am brilliant from the earliest childhood has given me an unshakeable self-confidence that has carried me through many tough situations. For example, even though I arrived in the USA without speaking a word of English as a teenager, none of the attempted bullying at school or the inevitable adjustment difficulties made even the slightest dent on my absolute certainty that I will emerge gloating over all my inferiors." 


You develop trust from teachers, and therefore more independence early on.

You develop trust from teachers, and therefore more independence early on.

"I think it helped, in some ways. When I was in elementary, middle, and high school I was in advanced classes with other 'like minded' people. A lot of the time it was a small group of us working in the hall. It made me become independent pretty quickly."


You're given the freedom to learn more quickly than others.


"I think it did more help than harm in my case. I was forced to work independently (aka with little teacher guidance) very early on, which I think was a really valuable skill to have in University. Because of this, we were taught more and at a quicker pace. Not only was I able to learn more material than my 'regular' peers, but I gained the ability to learn new things very quick, again, another helpful life/university skill."


Knowing you're gifted inspires you to make the most of what you've been given.

Knowing you

"I was labeled as 'gifted' at about six years old. It meant that I had, at the time, a reading age of 11 or 12. I think being told that I was more 'advanced' than my peers definitely made me more determined to succeed, combined with an ever-so-slightly pushy parent. My parents, due to my label, sacrificed a lot to send me to private school, using the term 'gifted' as justification (I've also received scholarships and bursaries). Combined with many of my teachers' praise regarding my intelligence and drive, the result is an offer to study at Oxford, which I never foresaw even three years ago."


With enough self-awareness, you can lose the superiority complex that comes with being gifted.

With enough self-awareness, you can lose the superiority complex that comes with being gifted.

"Surprisingly enough, it helped me socially. I guarantee I'd have a crazy superiority complex without it. Back in elementary school, the GT director explained to my parents and me that with most people, it takes about seven repetitions to learn something. With me, it's one or two. After that, I realized I needed to stop treating people like crap when they didn't just get something. People are NOT supposed to 'just get it' like I felt I did. Since then I've been nicer and much more patient, because I know I'm the strange one in the situation."


Now read about the drawbacks

Now read about the drawbacks

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