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Stephen Colbert delivers a brutal takedown of 'shady' Hillary Clinton for her email scandal

Stephen Colbert delivers a brutal takedown of 'shady' Hillary Clinton for her email scandal
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

Comedy Central/YouTube, AP

Stephen Colbert can't make any excuses for Hillary Clinton's email scandal in light of last week's findings by the FBI that she wasn't being truthful about her use of a private server when she was Secretary of State.

At first, Colbert did take a shot at defending her on Monday's "Late Show."

"While she may have not necessarily told the truth about what her email server, where it was, how it was used, whether it could be hacked, any of that stuff," Colbert stammered, "I think we have to understand, if I'm honest with myself, that Secretary Clinton only used that private server because she knew her political enemies would put her entire life under a microscope, as they always have for the last 25 years. And it's natural to expect that she would want to protect..."

But the host couldn't do it anymore.

"You know what, f--- it," he yelled. "I have to take the gloves off."

In this new edition of the fun series, Colbert rattles off one-liners about Clinton's email scandal with some musical accompaniment. 

Here are a few of our favorite jabs:

"Secretary Clinton, you are so untrustworthy that Beyonce is working on a concept album about you."

"You look so shady right now that FIFA wants to hire you."

"You lie so much that kids are now chanting, 'Liar, liar, pantsuit on fire.'"

"You are so dishonest, Hillary '16 is the number of times you told the truth."

Watch the full takedown below:

NOW WATCH: 'Did Hillary Clinton lie?': Watch the FBI director's response

