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An MBA admissions expert who's helped students get into Stanford, Wharton, and London Business School explains exactly how to nail the personal essay

Robin Madell   

An MBA admissions expert who's helped students get into Stanford, Wharton, and London Business School explains exactly how to nail the personal essay

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The personal essay can serve as a "predictor" for admissions of what you might be like in a class discussion, and how you would enrich the overall learning environment.

  • Barbara Coward is an MBA admissions consultant who has helped many prospective students get accepted to top-tier programs including Stanford Graduate School of Business, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and London Business School.
  • She spoke with Business Insider about nailing the personal essay - one of the most important components of your MBA application.
  • Her advice includes bridging the gap between your past and future as well as focusing on what you can contribute to the program - not just your career goals.
  • She also recommends using storytelling to convey your fit.
  • Click here for more BI Prime stories.

The personal essay is an essential component of your application to a top MBA program. How compelling your MBA essay is - or isn't - can make or break your bid to get into the school of your choice.

"Business schools want to get to know the person behind the test scores and the transcript," explained Barbara Coward, an MBA admissions consultant who has provided MBA essay and application review and interview prep for many applicants who have successfully been accepted to top-tier programs including Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB), The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and London Business School. "The essays personalize your application and communicate your values, interests, and character traits."

Coward added that because much of the learning in a graduate business program happens through conversations in your cohort, the essays can also serve as a "predictor" for admissions of what you might be like in a class discussion, and how you would enrich the overall learning environment.

Business Insider tapped Coward to share her admissions expertise on exactly how to nail the personal essay, including proven strategies to maximize your chance of success.

Familiarize yourself with the submission format, requirements, and options

Before going down the path of actually writing your essay, it's important to first check the business school's essay guidelines to ensure that you know the type of submission that they're looking for. Coward noted that different schools not only have different expectations for essay formats and lengths, but some even use different language on their websites to describe this component of the application.

"It does vary quite a bit depending on the school, and they do tend to use the two terms 'essays' and 'personal statement' interchangeably," said Coward. "If there is only one question, then it's more likely to be a personal statement - but even Harvard Business School, which has only one essay, calls it an 'essay.'"

Barbara Coward

Courtesy of Barbara Coward

Barbara Coward.

She added that the topics, questions, and even possible submission choices can be quite unique from school to school. For example, Cornell University's Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management has a "Back of Your Resume" essay prompt that allows multimedia submissions. For their 2015 - 2016 enrollment, The University of Chicago's Booth School of Business mixed things up with essay topics where applicants were empowered to choose their submission format ("traditional essay, slide presentation, or any format that you feel best captures your response," the prompt stated) and even determine their preferred word count of their submissions. New York University's Stern School of Business has a "Pick Six" essay for applicants to introduce themselves using six images.

Prepare to bridge your past with your future

Coward emphasized that there are two essential parts of the application process that can guide how you approach your essay.

The first part is about providing information that shows "where you have been." The second part involves showing the admissions committee "where you are going." Understanding the relationship between these two "chapters" of your overall submission can help you hone in on what to write about and how to make the type of connections between your past experiences and your future career goals that the committee will be interested in seeing.

"You can't change the past such as the undergraduate university you attended or your work history, but you can explain the 'why' behind those decisions and provide insight into your critical thinking skills, values, and decision-making process," explained Coward.

Coward shared that if, for example, you're an art history major and that's part of what you'd like to detail in your essay, you'd want your discussion to go beyond your decision to select that major, instead also addressing what factors contributed to your decision, and what those factors say about you.

"Maybe you are someone who thinks in shades of grey rather than in absolute terms, and your interest in art history underscores your nuanced view of the world," said Coward. "This is also where you can articulate in your essay your need [or] desire for an MBA degree."

Read more: I got into Stanford Graduate School of Business. Here's the personal essay that helped me seal the deal.

Bridging knowledge gaps is another way that you can prepare to connect your past decisions with your future career goals.

"For instance, you may have worked in an engineering capacity throughout your career to date, but never had an opportunity to work one-on-one with clients," said Coward. "The 'past' helps explain the 'future' with the need to bridge that knowledge gap to get you to where you want to be, and shows how you will leverage an MBA."

With your past/future gap clarified, you're now ready to start writing in earnest! Coward described this moment as "the exciting part of the application process" because it's a "blank sheet" that's yours to write on.

"That's an empowering feeling," said Coward. "You can't go back and change your college major, but you can craft essays that communicate your vision for the future. You can't go back and change your first job out of college, but you can provide additional context about your responsibilities."

Aim to engage the admissions committee, not to entertain them - and don't just focus on yourself

Another precursor to the writing process should be understanding the goal behind your essays and keeping the admissions committee's objectives top-of-mind. Coward emphasized that because admissions readers are reviewing many applications in a short time frame, MBA candidates should make it as easy as possible for admissions to not only read their essay, but remember it.

"Your job is not to be entertaining, but your writing should be engaging," clarified Coward. "Be clear and concise. Most of all, make them care! You want to make an emotional connection and provide a compelling reason for the reader to advocate for you."

To achieve this, Coward recommended thinking about your essays from a school's perspective. "If six people are competing for the same seat in a highly selective program, would you admit you? You want to use the essays to answer the 'why you' question for the committee, showing how you will make the most of this golden opportunity and what 'could be' if you were in the program," she said. "What would you be able to contribute that someone else couldn't?"

Read more: Harvard, Stanford, Kellogg, and Wharton business schools all prize the personal essay - here's how alums say to ace it

A key part of engaging the admissions committee is understanding exactly what the school is looking for. Coward said that every top school seeks to understand your qualifications while assessing your critical-thinking, interpersonal, reasoning, and communication skills. However, she warned, you want to avoid making yourself the sole star of your narrative.

"Your essay has your name on it so that means it's all about you, right? Wrong," confirmed Coward. "It's about a potential relationship between you and the program." She suggested thinking about what you would give to the program and how will you contribute to the business school community.

"You should of course consider what you are hoping to take from the program - for example, new knowledge and career outcomes," she said. "But you should also consider what are you hoping to give the program - for example, enhancing the entire cohort's learning experience, or sharing character traits such as resilience or a growth mindset that will help your classmates become better versions of themselves."

Coward also suggested pondering whether your specific qualifications will help you succeed at the program to which you're applying. "For instance, if you are thinking about applying for an International MBA, does your resume reflect international study abroad programs or overseas assignments?" she asked.

Finally, Coward said to look beneath the surface level for engagement hooks that are less obvious. "For example, maybe you haven't worked abroad but you are part of a very diverse multicultural team in your home office, which has prompted curiosity about international business based on cultural differences in communication styles," she said.

Harness the power of storytelling

Coward stressed that storytelling is an effective way to achieve a powerful message that makes you stand out.

"Incorporating storytelling into your essay builds familiarity and trust with the readers," she said. "Research suggests that storytelling resonates better with people than pure data, in part because it can persuade and influence, change perceptions, and is 'sticky' because stories move the reader emotionally."

She added that a compelling story is one of the best ways for the admissions committee to remember you. "They become part of your world like a character does in your mind when you watch a movie," said Coward. "You want to be relatable and human in your essay, and stories help you accomplish that."

How can a good story help change initial perceptions that committee members may have of you? Coward offered this example: "What do you think of someone who has a 2.5 GPA when you look only at the transcript? Maybe that they're not a very strong candidate in terms of their grades. Now what do you think of that same person who has a 2.5 GPA when you learn that they were also holding down a full-time job to support a sick parent? You likely have much more empathy for that person's situation when you understand it in full - plus the story helps reveal this applicant's character. The essay gives you a chance to describe your situation in meaningful detail."

To effectively incorporate storytelling into your personal essay, Coward recommends thinking in terms of your "narrative arc," which incorporates a challenge you have overcome and shows a progression from adversity to triumph.

"Your narrative arc might focus on how someone changed your life, how you have changed someone else's life, and/or achievements that tie into a significant national or international event," she said.

Channel your "inner archaeologist"

As you go through this process, Coward said it can be helpful to tap into your "inner archaeologist" by mining your life history for potential essay fodder. She pointed out that many work and personal experiences that may seem mundane on the surface could actually have a compelling story behind them if you dig deep enough.

"It's really pretty awesome when you think about it - nobody else has your story," she said.

To help prospective MBA students with this challenge, she asks applicants to take "an inventory of [their] life," or uncover events and influences that shaped who they are and who they want to become.

"Ask yourself questions about your life's important milestones to date," she said. "Also ask yourself probing questions that get at what you're all about, like what makes you happy? What bothers you in the world?"

Coward emphasized not getting discouraged if you don't feel like you have an amazing story to tell yet - you can work with whatever life situation you have so far.

"Remember, you don't have to be the next Steve Jobs or Sheryl Sandberg to have something valuable to share," said Coward. "You may have a wonderfully ordinary background that contains some important lessons and stories that others can learn from. Few of us have truly glamorous careers like serving as a campaign manager for a presidential candidate. What makes the ordinary extraordinary to you?"

Strive to be authentic, relatable, and "imperfectly perfect"

"Writing your personal essays is a balancing act on many levels," said Coward. "Be interesting and interested, confident and memorable yet empathetic and humble. At the end of the day, as with your application in general, what's most important about your essays is to be authentic."

The admissions consultant suggested putting your essay drafts through "the tropical island test" by asking: Would you want to be deserted on a tropical island with the person in your essay?

She added that people who succeed in business (and business school) are those who have a "healthy sense of identity but aren't full of themselves."

"Those are the kind of people with whom you will want to do business in life - and in your business school cohort," she said.

For example, she said, a person who didn't prepare before an important client presentation may have a story that will motivate classmates to make sure that doesn't happen to them, or perhaps someone who was chosen as one of the last kids for kickball in gym class has a unique perspective to help others understand the importance of empathetic team leadership skills.

"The fact of the matter is that you will be leading others who have flaws and make mistakes, too," she pointed out. "It's important to acknowledge this reality in your essays by clarifying how you will respond (and relate) to those situations. What challenges have you endured in your life, and how did you overcome them? How can that help someone else? Remember, it's not all about you."


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