scorecardApple CEO Tim Cook reportedly told President Trump that he predicts a V-shaped economic recovery after the coronavirus
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Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly told President Trump that he predicts a V-shaped economic recovery after the coronavirus

Lisa Eadicicco   

Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly told President Trump that he predicts a V-shaped economic recovery after the coronavirus
Tech2 min read
Jim Lo Scalzo and the Associated Press (Pool)
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook told President Trump that he believes the economy will have a V-shaped recovery after the coronavirus.
  • A V-shaped recovery indicates the economy took take a sharp rebound after bottoming out.
  • Cook and President Trump have spoken on several occasions over the past year.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Apple CEO Tim Cook told President Trump that he expects the economy to take a V-shaped recovery when it bounces back from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to CNBC.

The Apple chief executive spoke with the president about the state of the economy on Friday, according to the report.

A V-shaped curve is a more positive outlook on economy's recovery, indicating that it would take a sharp upturn after bottoming out. St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard also recently said he sees "no reason" why the economy won't be able to recover in a V shape, according to Bloomberg.

That assessment comes after experts had cast doubt on a V-shaped recovery as the United States struggles to contain the virus and jobless claims reach all-time highs.

Apple did not immediately respond to Business Insider's request for confirmation and more details about the conversation.

Cook has been in contact with Trump on numerous occasions over the past year. Last November, the president visited Apple's factory in Austin, Texas, where the tech giant assembles its Mac Pro computer.

Trump also said in the past that he takes phone calls from Cook because he's the only CEO that contacts him personally.

"He calls me and the others don't," President Trump said in August according to Fox Business. "Others go out and hire very expensive consultants, and Tim Cook calls Donald Trump directly. Pretty good."

Apple has been particularly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, which prompted the company to temporarily close most of its stores around the world and to revise its revenue guidance for the second fiscal quarter of 2020. Apple has also devoted resources toward relief efforts and projects aimed at curbing the outbreak, such as a new contact tracing system it's developing in partnership with Google, which will help alert people when they may have been in contact with a contagious individual.

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