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HireMee's video capture feature to help 10 million job seekers

HireMee's video capture feature to help 10 million job seekers
Tech1 min read
New Delhi, June 7 (IANS) Online digital assessment platform HireMee on Sunday said it has developed the video capture feature in the recently-launched National Career Service (NCS) portal, a tech-based initiative by Ministry of Labour and Employment to connect job seekers with opportunities.

The video profile option lets an applicant record videos using her mobile phone.

The three segments it takes allow an applicant to speak out loud and explain her areas of interest, education background and elaborate on skills, the company said in a statement.

The video capture platform is open to all NCS-registered candidates.

"Currently the NCS portal has over 10 million users who can trawl the site for job opportunities in both private and public sector as well as hone their skills through training modules available on the portal," said the Bengaluru-based company.

The seamlessly integrated HireMee video platform can upload recordings and be improved many times till the candidate is happy with the presentation.

"The video posting feature comes at no cost to the candidate and is posted after review by the content team," said HireMee, adding that the video feature enhances an applicant's chances of selection while saving both time and effort.

Additionally, HireMee said it would post on the NCS portal job opportunities that it gets from its over 2,500 corporate clients.

The NCS portal offers candidates an option of embedding three, 20-second videos in their resumes about their skills, abilities and experience.


