scorecardThe City That's Hosting The US-Germany Game Is Flooded, And It Looks Like Utter Chaos
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The City That's Hosting The US-Germany Game Is Flooded, And It Looks Like Utter Chaos

The City That's Hosting The US-Germany Game Is Flooded, And It Looks Like Utter Chaos
Sports2 min read

A torrential rainstorm in the Brazilian beach town of Recife is wreaking havoc on the city hours before the U.S.-Germany World Cup game.

Al Jazerra's Gabriel Elizondo reports that the storm has dropped 25% of the average monthly rainfall in the last 24 hours alone.

Reporters and fans are reportedly having trouble getting to the Arena Pernambuco, which is about an hour outside the city, because the roads are flooded.

The photos are insane:

There's no word on how this will affect the game. Martin Rogers of Yahoo! reports that if U.S.-Germany had to be postponed because of a waterlogged pitch, Ghana-Portugal would be postponed as well.

