scorecardThe Lebanese Olympic delegation has reportedly been 'reprimanded' for refusing to allow the Israeli team on a bus
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The Lebanese Olympic delegation has reportedly been 'reprimanded' for refusing to allow the Israeli team on a bus

The Lebanese Olympic delegation has reportedly been 'reprimanded' for refusing to allow the Israeli team on a bus
Sports1 min read

Richard Heathcote/Reuters

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has reportedly been forced to intervene in a dispute between the delegations of Israel and Lebanon at the Rio Olympics, according to the Jerusalem Post

According to the report, the head of the Lebanese Olympic delegation, Salim al-Haj Nakoula, was "reprimanded" by the IOC for refusing to let members of the Israeli delegation board a bus the two groups were scheduled to share. 

Al-Haj Nakoula called the incident a misunderstanding, according to the report.

The IOC committee warned the Lebanese delegation that they would not accept any more similar instances.

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