scorecardThe Most Interesting Man In The World Reveals Who Really Deserves The Title In A Reddit 'Ask Me Anything'
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The Most Interesting Man In The World Reveals Who Really Deserves The Title In A Reddit 'Ask Me Anything'

The Most Interesting Man In The World Reveals Who Really Deserves The Title In A Reddit 'Ask Me Anything'
Home2 min read

jonathan goldsmith dos equis


Jonathan Goldstein, better known as Dos Equis' Most Interesting Man in the World, answered questions in a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" session last week in an effort to raise money for an organization that removes mines in post-war zones like Vietnam.

Although he was there for the Clear Path International and Mines Advisory Group, he answered a variety of questions that Redditors threw at him, including who he thinks the most interesting man in the world actually is.

While you can look at the full, in-character transcript here, we've collected some of our favorites:

What do you drink when you don't drink beer?

A gin martini or almost anything from the Isle of Islay.

What's your most memorable encounter with a fan?

I get recognized very often. A set of twins jumped out of a Rolls Royce to meet me in Hollywood traffic.

Who do you think is the second most interesting man in the world?

Nelson Mandela is actually first, but don't blow my cover.

What are your feelings toward the Old Spice guy?

Isiah is a friend and a charming gentleman.

What kind of cars do you have?

A 1994 Jeep.

What is your favorite "Most Interesting Man in the World" fact?

"He once warned a psychic."

How did you get the part?

The beginning was a cattle call of over 500 people. I didn't think I was what they wanted for the role and forgot about it. a month later... it was 200 people. Then 6 more weeks went by and they still had not found who they were looking for. They went on a casting mission both nationally and internationally. I screen tested with three other fellows and I was the lucky one. Listen closely and you wil hear the sound of knocking wood.

Is there a downside to it?

I have recurring dreams that my beard will catch fire.

