scorecardThe Most Probable And Damaging Big Business Risks Over The Next Decade
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The Most Probable And Damaging Big Business Risks Over The Next Decade

The Most Probable And Damaging Big Business Risks Over The Next Decade
StrategyStrategy1 min read

The World Economic Forum surveys a range of global experts to find out their biggest fears for its yearly Global Risks report.

Coming into 2013, those experts feel that a number of big economic risks are growing, including the negative consequences of regulation, a possible hard landing for China or other emerging markets, and "chronic labor market imbalances," more popularly known as the skills gap.

Another financial crisis would have the most disastrous impact, and people think it's more likely that it was last year.

Here's the report's map of where risks have headed since 2012. The Y axis shows the rating on potential impact, and the X axis the likelihood it will occur.

The fastest growing risk when you combine both is the potential consequences of regulation. It's notoriously hard to know what regulation's going to do to businesses until it actually comes into effect. From the biggest provisions of Obamacare, which are coming into effect, to the continuing implementation of Dodd Frank, it's essential to keep an eye out for unintended consequences.

Find the full report here

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