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10 of the funniest things people have done while stuck at home due to the coronavirus

10 of the funniest things people have done while stuck at home due to the coronavirus
LifeThelife1 min read
A block party photo shoot.A Joy Story Photography
  • There are lots of things you can do while social distancing, like cleaning your house, catching up on work, or learning a new skill.
  • Or you could go for the laughs and share your exploits on the internet.
  • Take Rick Kalinowski who, after losing his job, built a picnic bench for the squirrels around his home.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

After over a month of social distancing, some people are starting to run out of shows to binge, skills to learn, and chores to do. What we could all use is a good laugh.

These 10 comedians, social media stars, and families have all resorted to some hilarious ways to keep themselves entertained during the coronavirus pandemic.

Keep scrolling for 10 of the funniest things that have happened while we're all stuck at home.

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This influencer turned a lockdown staple — the trusty blanket —into 12 separate trendy looks.

This influencer turned a lockdown staple — the trusty blanket —into 12 separate trendy looks.
Conor McKenzie in his various outfits.      @conor_mckenzie/Instagram

Conor McKenzie is, as Tim Gunn would say, making it work. Using just a blue blanket, he styled 12 different outfits in what he calls "blanket couture." What started off as a joke turned into hundreds of thousands of views on Instagram.

"It just shows that people want fun content right now, and I wanted to deliver it as a way for people to just smile, forget about every day, and just laugh," he told Insider. "It did just that, so I'm glad I did."

And where did the blanket come from? He believes his mom got it from Costco.

Need something to do? How about creating a restaurant for squirrels?

Need something to do? How about creating a restaurant for squirrels?
Chez Squirrel.      Rick Kalinowski

After losing his job, Rick Kalinowski decided to dedicate his time to building adorable mini-picnic benches for the squirrels around his home. What else would you do with your free time?

The tiny picnic tables made people chuckle after images were shared online, but Kalinowski's had the last laugh. He's managed to turn it into a successful business. He created an Etsy store, SquirrellyTreasureCo, which received 400 orders in the first 24 hours.

This dad is recreating Starbucks, the movie theater, and McDonald's for his daughter inside their home — and no detail is left out.

This dad is recreating Starbucks, the movie theater, and McDonald
Mia and her dad's recreations.      Mia Finney

TikTok star Mia Finney has been sharing her father's hilarious efforts on the app, showing her dad playing every role necessary to make her experience as authentic as possible. For the movie theater, that means making her popcorn, dressing up as a movie theater attendant, checking her ticket, and even putting numbers on their seats — a full commitment.

Another recreation was a drive-thru Starbucks, using a NutriBullet, a Wii steering wheel, a head set, and some printed Starbucks logos. The resemblance is uncanny.

"It's terrible what's going on with COVID-19 right now. But with any terrible situation, there's always a silver lining, and that is that I get to spend more time with Mia," her father told Insider.

In order to avoid a fight about who got the last Dorito, Chuck McCarthy created a paper-mache chip, so he could eat the final snack in secret.

In order to avoid a fight about who got the last Dorito, Chuck McCarthy created a paper-mache chip, so he could eat the final snack in secret.
The chip in question.      Chuck McCarthy

In normal times, it wouldn't be a big deal — but in the time of COVID-19, one can't just simply go out and buy more chips. That fact, coupled with an inordinate amount of free time, led McCarthy to spend hours making a fake chip, so he could secretly eat the real one without telling his girlfriend.

"As an artist and as an actor, I try not to look at anything as a waste of time. I mean, it wasn't a waste of time, I got to eat the last Dorito and she still hasn't noticed," he told Insider.

The peak of quarantine humor? A boss accidentally turning on the potato filter during a call, and being unable to change it.

The peak of quarantine humor? A boss accidentally turning on the potato filter during a call, and being unable to change it.
The spud in question.      Rachele Clegg

Maybe our standards for humor are steadily decreasing as we remain isolated — or maybe this is just hilarious.

Lizet Ocampo, the national political director for the progressive advocacy group People For the American Way, was holding a weekly Monday morning check-in with her colleagues over Microsoft Teams when she accidentally turned on a potato filter — and was unable to change it back.

"We started flipping on our cameras and Lizet popped up as a potato in the soil. We all laughed uncontrollably because all you could see were her eyes and mouth. The meeting was about a half hour, but I guarantee we spent 10 minutes cackling," Ocampo's colleague Rachele Clegg told Insider.

Comedians Rachel Parris and Marcus Brigstocke started the #LockdownLipsync hashtag, and have been creating their own hilarious and elaborate lip-syncs.

Comedians Rachel Parris and Marcus Brigstocke started the #LockdownLipsync hashtag, and have been creating their own hilarious and elaborate lip-syncs.
Brigstocke and Parris.      Rachel Parris and Marcus Brigstocke/ Twitter

It all started with Parris' lip-sync to the Iggy Azalea and Jennifer Hudson tune, "Trouble," and has taken off from there. With each round, the dueling spouses have brought in costumes and props to elevate their lip-sync game — and they've inspired others to join in on the fun.

People have been using the #LipsyncLockdown hashtag to share their own videos, and the results have been hilarious.

Sure, this may use up a lot of time and energy, but as Brigstocke frequently writes on Twitter, "We're fine."

For essential workers, there's no better way to spice up a job — and bring joy to people stuck at home — than dressing up in costumes, like this mailman.

For essential workers, there
Jon Matson doing his best cheerleader impression.      Jon Matson

Jon Matson is a mailman in Boldon, England. To entertain the people on his route, he's taken to dressing up in different costumes, like a cheerleader, Waldo, or even Cleopatra.

"Everybody is now coming to the door, waiting for me coming round, and when the first person sees me on the round, they start to message their friends, so before I even get there people are waiting at windows. Everybody is laughing and cheering, and cars and trucks who drive past honk their horns. I even had the police honking their horns at me today," he told Insider.

Hank the Newfoundland is taking this time to switch up his "fur styles," much to the delight of his online friends.

Hank the Newfoundland is taking this time to switch up his "fur styles," much to the delight of his online friends.
Hank channeling a fortune-teller.      Hannah Heil

Hank's two owners have taken to dressing him up in different styles every day, and sharing images of his costumes online. The production value of these photos can't be beat — just look at Hank's accessories as he channels a tarot card reader.

Everything they've been using has come from their house, like pieces of cardboard, jewelry, and other props. Luckily for Hank, he loves his makeovers. "If you know big dogs, they just think, 'Oh, this is fun. Go ahead, you know my style.' He just he thinks it's great — it's a head massage," said Hank's owner, Hannah.

A group of friends in Texas decided to have a photo shoot in their wedding dresses, because why not?

A group of friends in Texas decided to have a photo shoot in their wedding dresses, because why not?
Scooting along.      A Joy Story Photography

The photographer, Elyssa Seibel, told Insider that the idea stemmed from a group chat in which one of her friends and neighbors decided to have a "fancy wine night" and try on her wedding dress. That sparked an idea to get as many of her neighbors as possible to don their wedding dresses and have a socially distant photo shoot on their block.

The friends popped bottles of champagne, took scooters for a ride, and chilled out on lawn chairs, all while wearing their fanciest dresses — and amusing their other neighbors.

In Stockport, England, two teddy bears are bringing their neighbors joy with their antics.

In Stockport, England, two teddy bears are bringing their neighbors joy with their antics.
Ted and Ed.      @themoorbears

Ted and Ed are two teddy bears that reside in the English city of Stockport. Every day, their neighbors are treated to various scenes of their lives, from camping to mowing the lawn, to relaxing with a spa day.

The Moor Bears, as they're also called, have their very own Instagram and Facebook pages to help the rest of the world keep up with their shenanigans during the coronavirus pandemic.

"Both Ted and Ed were adopted from Costco after we found them causing a mess on the marmalade aisle and they have been living with us ever since," their owners told Insider. "All our neighbors have been very supportive of the bears' daily activities and have come to tell us how wonderful it is to see families and people turning on to our street beaming with a smile at the sight of the bears' daily activities."


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