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This Chinese Team Building Exercise Has To Be Seen To Be Believed

This Chinese Team Building Exercise Has To Be Seen To Be Believed
StrategyStrategy1 min read

This video surfaced on the "China" sub-Reddit earlier today, and frankly it has to be seen to be believed.

Though we don't have too much idea where the video comes from, it appears to be some kind of team building exercise at a Chinese hotel. Commenters note that team building exercises are relatively common at restaurants, hotels and salons in China, though few are quite as outlandish as this.

Over 15 minutes (the poor staff are visibly out of breath within a few minutes), the group are led through a number of different maneuvers, including military-esque call and response chanting, attempts to break through a ribbon (presumably a metaphor) and a whole lot of foot stamping.

UPDATE: Alexander Nsar of Beijing Cream has some more information — reportedly the team are from a restaurant in Dandong, and the original video, uploaded to Youku, has already been viewed at least 1.9 million times.

