scorecardThis Is The Photo That Led To Tim Armstrong Losing His Cool And Suddenly Firing An AOL Employee In Front Of 1,000 People
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This Is The Photo That Led To Tim Armstrong Losing His Cool And Suddenly Firing An AOL Employee In Front Of 1,000 People

This Is The Photo That Led To Tim Armstrong Losing His Cool And Suddenly Firing An AOL Employee In Front Of 1,000 People
Tech1 min read

Jim Romenesko has the photo that turned AOL CEO Tim Armstong into a national story.

During an all-hands meeting with employees to discuss the future of Patch, AOL's hyper-local news operation, Armstrong abruptly fired an employee for taking a photo.

The employee was Abel Lenz, and he was taking the photo with the Patch app to post on the internal Patch for employees to see.

Armstrong says he warned Lenz not to take photos during internal meetings. Lenz did it anyway, and now Lenz is out, and Armstrong is embarrassed.

Jim Romenesko, who has been all over the story, has the final piece of this story, the actual photo posted by Lenz. Click here to see the full photo and pictures from inside the room >

