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This Is What A $6,000 Smartphone Looks Like

This Is What A $6,000 Smartphone Looks Like
Tech1 min read

Tonino Lamboghini MobileIf you think $700 sounds like an expensive price for a smartphone, imagine paying $6,000.

That's how much the new 88 Tauri smartphone from Tonino Lamborghini costs (via Engadget).

The Android phone, despite being made by a company owned by the son of Ferrucio Lamborghini, has no affiliation with the luxury car brand. 

So what makes the 88 Tauri so expensive?

Less than 2,000 of these phones will be made, so it'll be pretty difficult to get your hands on one even if you do have $6,ooo to burn.

As for build materials, the company doesn't specify exactly what the phone is made of, but it does claim the phone is made of hand-crafted stainless steel and leather, as well as Gorilla Glass for the display.

Unsurprisingly, the phone is being flaunted as an accessory for the rich. The company's video promotion for the phone implies that the phone is for billionaires.

What's interesting, however, is that the phone's hardware actually appears to be fairly decent. Most of these outlandishly expensive phones are powered by components that seem outdated compared to what you would get in a new iPhone or high-end Android phone since it's usually the design that makes them so expensive. 

But the 88 Tauri comes with a 5-inch 1080p screen, a 20-megapixel main camera and 8-megapixel front camera, and a giant 3,400 mAh battery, according to Russian tech site Hi-Tech Mail

The phone is expected to launch globally at the end of the month, and judging by Tonino Lamborghini's website it seems like it will be available in Russia, Germany, Italy, the US, and the UK among other areas. 

Check out the teaser video below. 

