scorecardThis new dystopian sci-fi game is like playing 'Blade Runner'
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This new dystopian sci-fi game is like playing 'Blade Runner'

This new dystopian sci-fi game is like playing 'Blade Runner'
Tech1 min read

Do you like "Blade Runner?" You do, right? It's so good - a sci-fi classic! And it's in a class of entertainment - the tech-Noir sci-fi thriller - that's woefully underrepresented.

Google Images

A new video game, however, helps to fill that void: "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided."

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Square Enix

First things first: That's pronounced "day-us ex." It's Latin, and usually part of the phrase " Deus Ex Machina" (pronounced "mah-keen-uh"). That phrase translates to "god out of the machine" - a plot device that suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, fixes a major problem. Interpret that as you will with this game title.

More importantly, the game is gorgeous. Have a look!

