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This quote explains why winning in Iowa could be so important for Donald Trump

This quote explains why winning in Iowa could be so important for Donald Trump
PoliticsPolitics2 min read
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a campaign rally in Dubuque    Thomson Reuters

A win in Monday's Iowa caucuses could provide enough momentum for GOP front-runner Donald Trump to effectively nullify attacks from even well-funded super PACs of his Republican competitors, one top GOP strategist suggested Monday.

"The posse finally came to town only after every window has already been shot out," Kevin Madden, an aide to former GOP nominee Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign, told The Des Moines Register in a story published Monday.

One of the prevailing questions the 2016 election's first vote has become whether Trump supporters will actually show up. And a turnout that reflects his first-place polling numbers in the state would give validation to his campaign and provide Trump with the ammunition needed to fend off the impending attacks of his rivals.

After proving he can win a state, Madden said it might be too late for a wave of attacks from his fellow candidates to knock him down.

Speaking about Trump's and Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-Vermont) voting blocks, Ralph Reed, chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, told The Register: "I think they're coming."

Trump is leading in the latest RealClearPolitics average of Iowa polls by nearly 5 points over his top rival, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). In the latest poll from The Register, deemed to be the most accurate at predicting the winner, Trump enjoyed a 28% to 23% lead over Cruz.

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