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This Runner's Uplifting Tweets At Nearly Every Mile Of The Boston Marathon Brought Readers To Tears

This Runner's Uplifting Tweets At Nearly Every Mile Of The Boston Marathon Brought Readers To Tears
LifeThelife5 min read
Runners on Commonwealth Avenue during this year's Boston Marathon are cheered by a large crowd of enthusiastic spectators.    Dominick Reuter/Reuters

An entrant in this year's Boston Marathon decided to tweet 26 times during his long run from the starting line in Hopkinton to the finish at Boylston Street- one tweet for each mile.

Bill Kole, The Associated Press New England bureau chief, tweeted his thoughts and observations about all those who gathered to show that Boston is stronger than the terrorists who detonated two bombs near the finish line in 2013, killing three spectators and wounding 264.

The race featured significantly larger crowds, double the number of law enforcement, and 9,000 more runners than previous years, according to The New York Times.

Kole took off in the second wave of runners, at 10:25 a.m., finishing the 26.2-mile journey around 3 p.m.

Here are the tweets from @billkole during the approximately four and a half hours he spent racing - and tweeting - to the finish line, to the delight of his Twitter followers.

