scorecardThis 'Sharknado' Headpiece Was The Talk Of Comic-Con
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This 'Sharknado' Headpiece Was The Talk Of Comic-Con

This 'Sharknado' Headpiece Was The Talk Of Comic-Con
EntertainmentEntertainment1 min read

One of the best costumes at Comic-Con was this elaborate "Sharknado" headpiece.

Inspired by the SyFy original movie, a convention-goer wore a larger-than-life hat swathed in gray and white fabric and plastic toy sharks.

The cosplayer, like Syfy's movie blew up on Twitter. People were snapping pictures of her like she was a celebrity.

Her T-shirt, which she appeared to wear all four days of the convention, read "Enough Said!"

Over the course of the weekend, she added even more sharks to her outfit.

Even Syfy network's senior executive Craig Engler was psyched to spot "'Sharknado' costume girl":

But was she outdone by this guy?

