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This time it's different: Trump's antics with Ukraine are moving Democrats closer to impeachment

This time it's different: Trump's antics with Ukraine are moving Democrats closer to impeachment
PoliticsPolitics6 min read
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence look on as U.S. President Donald Trump delivers the State of the Union address in the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives at the U.S. Capitol Building on February 5, 2019 in Washington, DC.    Doug Mills-Pool/Getty Images

  • House Democrats have long been at odds over whether they should impeach President Donald Trump.
  • But explosive new revelations about Trump pressuring a foreign government to investigate his political opponent ahead of a presidential election may break the dam on impeachment.
  • More than a dozen Democrats came out in support of the measure since the controversy erupted last week, bringing the tally up to 150 out of 235 House Democrats in favor.
  • Many of these Democrats are part of the senior leadership and represent districts that Trump won.
  • It was reported last week that Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky multiple times to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden's dealings in Ukraine during a July 25 phone call.
  • That phone call is now at the center of an unprecedented whistleblower complaint that a US intelligence official filed against Trump last month.
  • On Monday, it also surfaced that Trump made the decision to withhold roughly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine before the call with Zelensky, raising questions about a potential quid pro quo.
  • Several Democratic representatives have said these latest allegations - many of which Trump has confirmed - paint a disturbing picture of a president using taxpayer-funded aid as leverage to push a foreign country to interfere in an upcoming election to boost his own chances.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

The calls for President Donald Trump to be impeached began shortly after he took office in January 2017 with just a few members of Congress introducing articles of impeachment accusing Trump of committing obstruction of justice and violating the emoluments clause by profiting off his office.

While those initial articles of impeachment introduced by Rep. Al Green of Texas and Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee were resoundingly voted down at the time, the House now appears to be barreling towards an inevitable impeachment inquiry beginning as early as this week.

For the first half of the Trump presidency, Democratic leaders urged prudence and restraint while the country awaited the outcome of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

After nearly two years of Mueller's high-profile investigation consuming Washington, Mueller's long-awaited report was finally released in April of 2019.

While Mueller's prosecutorial team concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, they did not charge anyone associated with the Trump campaign with collaborating with Russia to influence the outcome of the election.

Volume II of the Mueller report further identified eleven separate instances of potential obstruction of justice in which Trump attempted to hamper the Mueller probe itself and other federal investigations.

Mueller's team could not charge Trump with obstruction due to existing Department of Justice policy prohibiting the federal indictment of a sitting president.

About 50 new House Democrats came out in favor of impeachment in the wake of the Mueller report and Mueller's subsequent July 24 testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees.

Read more: A mysterious exchange between Trump and a foreign leader is Washington's latest obsession. Here's what's actually going on.

In the wake of the Mueller report and Mueller's testimony, Democratic leadership encouraged committees to continue to investigate the Trump administration but warned that it was still soon and there wasn't enough compelling evidence to begin impeachment proceedings.

But now at least 157 of the 235 total House Democrats - including many in House leadership and in districts Trump won - are calling for an impeachment inquiry.

So why has the tide on impeachment so dramatically reversed now?

It all began when Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, put out a statement announcing his committee had become aware of an official complaint from an intelligence community whistleblower possibly involving Trump.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Rep. Adam Schiff, chair of the House Select Committee on Intelligence

A new whistleblower complaint indicates Trump asked a foreign government to do his bidding

The Washington Post first reported the complaint had to do with Trump's conversation with a foreign leader. The Wall Street Journal broke the news that the whistleblower complaint was related to a conversation Trump had in July with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Subsequent reporting - much of which Trump has confirmed - indicates Trump withheld $400 million in US military aid to Ukraine. It has also been reported that Trump encouraged Zelensky to investigate a baseless and thoroughly debunked claim that Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President and 2020 president Joe Biden, engaged in corrupt activity while serving on the board of a Ukrainian oil and gas company.

Instead of denying the reported substance of the whistleblower complaint, Trump and his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani acknowledged the president discussed both military aid and the discredited corruption allegations involving the Bidens.

Read more: Trump reportedly slammed the brakes on a $400 million military-aid package to Ukraine days before he asked its president to investigate Joe Biden

Whether Trump's conduct regarding Ukraine constitutes a high crime and misdemeanor isn't as much up for debate or disagreement as Mueller's ultimate non-conclusion that Trump may have obstructed justice on eleven separate occasions.

The president of the United States has now been accused by an intelligence whistleblower of engaging in an explicit quid-pro-quo with a foreign government to withhold taxpayer-funded aid appropriated by Congress, a co-equal branch of government, in exchange for that government interfering in a future election on Trump's behalf.

Before the latest revelations, many Democrats including Pelosi argued that impeachment would divide the country. Impeachment skeptics also said proceedings would allow Trump to play the role of the wounded victim, and be fruitless since Republicans control the Senate.

Democrats in competitive districts are risking their careers to call for impeachment

But now House Democrats are seeing Trump's latest transgressions not as merely "troubling" or "concerning," but as serious violations of the Constitution.

As Naval War College professor Tom Nichols recently wrote in the Atlantic, "there is no spin, no deflection, no alternative theory of the case that can get around the central fact that President Trump reportedly attempted to use his office for his own gain" using taxpayer money.

Now, it's not just the number of Democrats speaking out in favor of impeachment that is notable, but the type of House Democrats calling for an impeachment inquiry that make it even more likely.

On Monday, two key Pelosi allies - Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan - both called for impeachment. And Schiff himself said that Trump's latest conduct could be the "crossing of the Rubicon" that leaves Democrats with no choice but impeachment.

Read more: 7 Democratic lawmakers who served in the military and intelligence agencies accuse Trump of 'flagrant disregard for the law'

Seven freshman Democrats with military and national security backgrounds who all flipped Republican-held seats in 2018 - some of which were won by Trump in 2016 - have also jointly written a Washington Post op-ed calling out "flagrant disregard for the law" as a reason he should be impeached.

And on Tuesday, the freshman class co-presidents, Rep. Haley Stevens of Michigan and Rep. Collin Allred of Texas, - both of whom flipped Republican-held seats last year - signaled that the Director of National Intelligence's failure to turn the whistleblower complaint over to Congress would warrant impeachment.

As of Tuesday morning, the dam seems to have officially broken.

House Democratic Caucus Chair Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the fifth highest-ranking House Democrat, tweeted: "House Dems will meet at 4 pm this afternoon. The Constitution gives Congress the responsibility to rein in a lawless President. We will do our job #ImpeachmentInvestigation."

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