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This tiny tube-shaped device will alert you when the air is polluted

Danielle Muoio   

This tiny tube-shaped device will alert you when the air is polluted
Latest1 min read


YouTube/ Atmotube

The Atmotube.

Those living in big cities who are hoping to reduce their exposure to pollution may be interested in the Atmotube, a small device that will alert you about air quality.

An Indiegogo campaign for Atmotube has already surpassed its $52,000 goal, raising a little over $60,500 with 22 days left to go.

The Atmotube is a tiny device that fits in the palm of your hand. 

The titanium body is embedded with sensors that are capable of detecting the amount of pollution in the air, temperature, and humidity in real-time, according to a video demonstrating the product. The device will send real time updates about air quality via a corresponding app.

If pollution is detected, the app will push through an alert so you can take necessary steps to reduce your exposure to it, like shutting a window or turning on internal air conditioning in your car.

The device was created by NotAnotherOne, a company that has done marketing and provided other services  for products like YotaPhone.

In the video demonstrating Atmotube, the creators notes that unless people suffer from problems like asthma, most people don't recognize the affect poor air quality can have on our health.

The video cites a message from the Minnesota Department of Health that long-term exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) - which can be emitted via paints, cleaning agents, and cosmetics - can increase the risk of cancer, liver damage, and kidney damage.

Learn more about Atmotube here:


