scorecardTigers Shortstop Made A Ridiculous Running Catch To Rob David Ortiz Of A Hit
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Tigers Shortstop Made A Ridiculous Running Catch To Rob David Ortiz Of A Hit

Tigers Shortstop Made A Ridiculous Running Catch To Rob David Ortiz Of A Hit
Sports1 min read

With the Red Sox leading 3-0 in game five of the American League Championship Series, David Ortiz looked like he was going to bloop a single to center field. But Tigers shortstop Jose Iglesias made an incredible running grab to rob Ortiz of a hit.

Iglesias, who was shifted to the right side of second base had to run a long ways to left-center field when he stuck his glove out at the last second to make the great grab...

Here is a look at how far Iglesias had to run...

Detroit Tigers

Fox Sports

Here is another angle...

