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Here's Your Complete Look At Samsung's New Smart TV

First, here's a better look at Samsung's newest 4K Ultra HD TV. It's a beauty.

Here's Your Complete Look At Samsung's New Smart TV
Tools1 min read

All of these TVs will take advantage of Samsung's latest Smart TV technology.

All of these TVs will take advantage of Samsung

First, we'll start with the S Recommendation with voice technology. This is like Apple's Siri for your TV.

First, we

S Recommendation makes it very easy for you to tell your TV what you want to watch.

S Recommendation makes it very easy for you to tell your TV what you want to watch.

We got a personal demo of exactly how the tech works.

We got a personal demo of exactly how the tech works.

Everything is centered around the remote. You speak into the remote and interact with the TV via the trackpad.

Everything is centered around the remote. You speak into the remote and interact with the TV via the trackpad.

Once the microphone shows up at the top of the screen you can speak into the microphone.

Once the microphone shows up at the top of the screen you can speak into the microphone.

We started with a simple request: "Any recommendations for me?"

We started with a simple request: "Any recommendations for me?"

The Smart TV quickly gave us some recommendations like CNN, Starz, the movie channel, and more. The more the TV gets to know you, the better recommendations it will provide.

The Smart TV quickly gave us some recommendations like CNN, Starz, the movie channel, and more. The more the TV gets to know you, the better recommendations it will provide.

Next, we asked the Smart TV to find us some movies starring Tom Cruise. It was pretty accurate.

Next, we asked the Smart TV to find us some movies starring Tom Cruise. It was pretty accurate.

You can be very specific too. We asked the TV for a comedy on CBS and were quickly met with results such as "Two and A Half Men".

You can be very specific too. We asked the TV for a comedy on CBS and were quickly met with results such as "Two and A Half Men".

SAI's gadgets editor Steve Kovach got to test out the technology.


Unfortunately, Steve was met with an error when he tried to find out when the next episode of "CSI" would be on. Samsung's technology isn't perfect yet.

Unfortunately, Steve was met with an error when he tried to find out when the next episode of "CSI" would be on. Samsung

One person in our test group had a thick accent, but the technology was able to decipher exactly what he was saying and provided results.

One person in our test group had a thick accent, but the technology was able to decipher exactly what he was saying and provided results.

Once our demo was done we explored some of Samsung's other TV technologies. Here we saw a demo of a children's game that used motion technology similar to Microsoft's Xbox Kinect. You're able to draw and paint on the screen by waving your hands in front of the screen.

Once our demo was done we explored some of Samsung

Samsung's new Smart Hub allows users to break down their TV experience into five categories: Social, Movies & TV Shows, On TV, Apps, and Music.


We started at the Social section. You can view recommendations from Facebook and Twitter friends.

We started at the Social section. You can view recommendations from Facebook and Twitter friends.

Here's what social looks like. It's a stream of what friends are watching and what they suggest you watch.


Next up was the On TV section. This pulls in information from your cable or satellite provider.

Next up was the On TV section. This pulls in information from your cable or satellite provider.

Depending on what time of the day it is, the TV can recommend shows you may be interested in. If one of your favorites is coming on later you can have the TV remind you.

Depending on what time of the day it is, the TV can recommend shows you may be interested in. If one of your favorites is coming on later you can have the TV remind you.

Movies & TV shows pulls in information from content provides like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and more.

Movies & TV shows pulls in information from content provides like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and more.

The Movie & TV interface is striking. It looks great in HD.

The Movie & TV interface is striking. It looks great in HD.

Finally, the Photos and Videos section pulls in your own photos and other media and displays it beautifully on the TV.

Finally, the Photos and Videos section pulls in your own photos and other media and displays it beautifully on the TV.

The app selection was much bigger than we thought with big names like Spotify, BBC, MTV and others.

The app selection was much bigger than we thought with big names like Spotify, BBC, MTV and others.
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