
You Searched For "Kuiper belt" and got 17 results

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2 mins read

Scavenger hunt for Planet X just dropped another clue

So far three dwarf planets, including the Goblin, have been found in the fringes of our solar …

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

A mysterious rock orbiting Earth appears to be a chunk of the moon that was blasted away by a meteorite

The discovery could rewrite what we know about potentially dangerous space rocks and help better pr…

Marianne Guenot   

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4 mins read

How antimatter engines could fly humans to other stars in just a few years

Antimatter isn't just a sci-fi trope. Ryan Weed has been working on designing an antimatter propuls…

Adam Barnes   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
10 mins read

4 experts explain why Elon Musk's plan to colonize Mars is 'romanticized', not 'realistic', 'cosmic vandalism'

SpaceX founder Elon Musk said he plans to have a million people on Mars by 2050. Scientists say tha…

Maiya Focht   

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5 mins read

Watch NASA launch a spacecraft to explore ancient asteroids that lead and trail Jupiter around the sun

The Trojan asteroids have barely changed since the birth of our solar system. NASA's Lucy mission a…

Morgan McFall-Johnsen   

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2 mins read

Pluto was discovered 90 years ago this week. Controversy about its identity rages on.

When he discovered Pluto, Planet X became real - for a time. But in 2003, a world larger than Pluto…

Holly Secon   

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4 mins read

Why astrophysicists think there's a black hole in our solar system

Narrator: Now, before you freak out, you should know that our planet isn't about to get sucked up a…

David Anderson,Bob Hunt   

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5 mins read

Planet 9, our solar system's mysterious missing world, could be an ancient black hole orbiting the sun, a new paper suggests

The scientists behind the new study say that direct observations of the mysterious object ⁠- if ast…

Morgan McFall-Johnsen   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

These new photos from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft were captured farther from Earth than any image ever taken

But NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has now broken that record, sending back several photos from the…

Kevin Loria   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

NASA just woke up a nuclear-powered probe 1 billion miles beyond Pluto - and it's approaching the farthest object humans have ever tried to visit

Researchers aren't quite sure of Ultima Thule's exact dimensions. Because it's so dark at roughly 4…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
5 mins read

New videos of the farthest object humanity has ever explored show that it flips like a giant hourglass

During the flyby, the probe took a series of images that revealed its shape and spin. The following…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
6 mins read

Is it Planet 9 or Planet X? Scientists spar over what to call the solar system's hypothetical missing world

Stern is an ardent defender of Pluto's planethood. In 2015, shortly after New Horizons flew past Pl…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
6 mins read

A NASA probe is going to visit Ultima Thule, the farthest object humanity has ever tried to reach, on New Year's Day

Stern, who recently helped write a book titled "Chasing New Horizons: Inside the Epic First Mission…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

NASA is sending a probe to explore a strange object a billion miles beyond Pluto

Astronomers think 2014 MU69 is about 30 miles across and almost 44 times farther away from the sun …

Meghan Bartels   

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3 mins read

There may be new evidence of a mysterious 'Planet X' hiding beyond Pluto

If this giant "Planet X" exists, we probably haven't spotted it because it's so far away. At such a…

Kelly Dickerson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
6 mins read

NASA just pulled off humanity's farthest-ever visit to a space object - the New Horizons probe's successfully flew by Ultima Thule

New Horizons pulled off the maneuver on New Year's Day, taking hundreds of photos in a highly chore…

Dave Mosher,Rebecca Harrington   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

There's new evidence that a mysterious 9th planet is lurking in our solar system

They'll be using the Subaru telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii to hunt it down and sea…

Kelly Dickerson