You Searched For "Planets beyond Neptune" and got 17 results
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Astronomers discover a possible water world in the search for a habitable planet, report says
A group of Canadian researchers have said the exoplanet, known as TOI-270 d, would likely be too wa…
Cameron Manley
Scavenger hunt for Planet X just dropped another clue
So far three dwarf planets, including the Goblin, have been found in the fringes of our solar …
NASA scientists think some planets are shrinking because powerful radiation from their cores is pushing away their atmospheres
The mystery of a missing class of planets has had NASA astronomers scratching their heads. New evid…
Sebastian Cahill,Morgan McFal…
840 new planets have been discovered beyond Neptune and its the single largest finding till date
We all know that the universe is vast, but we don’t know exactly how vast it is. But humans don’t b…
What the James Webb Space Telescope's discoveries on another planet mean and don't mean — for the search for alien life
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope revealed that exoplanet K2-18 b may be an ocean world, and there'…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
NASA's newest planet-hunting telescope just discovered a 'super-Earth' and 2 'sub-Neptunes' less than 75 light-years away - among the closest exoplanets ever found
The new worlds also exhibit a unique mathematical quality that researchers don't fully understand y…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
NASA's future missions to Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and beyond could hit a nuclear roadblock within the next decade
Radiation is a related issue: Many planets and moons whip up powerful electromagnetic fields, which…
Dave Mosher
A planet thrice the size of Jupiter discovered due to its 'strange orbit'
It took 20 years of observations to figure out that the planet has an 'highly eccentric'…
The mysterious interstellar object 'Oumuamua was a chunk of planet from another solar system, a new study says
Some astronomers think space object 'Oumuamua could have been an alien spaceship. But new research …
Aylin Woodward
Is it Planet 9 or Planet X? Scientists spar over what to call the solar system's hypothetical missing world
Stern is an ardent defender of Pluto's planethood. In 2015, shortly after New Horizons flew past Pl…
Dave Mosher
A second planet might orbit the closest star to the sun, and astronomers think it's a super-Earth
The team discovered Proxima c using a technique called radial velocity. It works like this: Planets…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
Evidence of ninth planet in solar system found, nicknamed 'Planet Nine
Our solar system may host a ninth planet that is 10 times the mass of the Earth and takes up to 20,…
A new space telescope is about to take an unprecedented look at alien planets circling distant stars. Watch it launch live.
Like other space telescopes, CHEOPS will watch for tiny dips in stars' brightness that are caused b…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
Scientists have discovered a new planet twice the size of Earth, and it could have liquid water on its surface
Since Kepler is no longer hunting for planets, NASA is now hoping that a new space telescope will a…
Peter Kotecki,Peter Kotecki
Astronomers found new evidence that a giant ghost planet may lurk in our solar system
Scientists have been searching for a "Planet Nine," or a large planet farther from the sun than Nep…
Jeremy Berke
NASA has discovered hundreds of potential new planets - and 10 may be like Earth
Scientists wouldn't say too much about the 10 new planets, only that they appear to be roughly Eart…
Dave Mosher
Jupiter got hit by a planet 10 times the mass of Earth billions of years ago, and its core is still reeling, a new study suggests
One explanation, he said, could be that those observations are showing violent, head-on collisions …