scorecardTrump drops to new low in Gallup poll, matching George W. Bush's popularity on the day he left office
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Trump drops to new low in Gallup poll, matching George W. Bush's popularity on the day he left office

Trump drops to new low in Gallup poll, matching George W. Bush's popularity on the day he left office
PoliticsPolitics1 min read
President Donald Trump walks across the White House lawn.    Mark Wilson/Getty Images

President Donald Trump's approval rating hit a new low on Monday, matching former President George W. Bush's low approval ratings when he left office after eight years.

Gallup's daily tracking poll showed Trump with just a 34% approval rating, his lowest since taking office in January, and a 61% disapproval rating.

For perspective, on August 14, 2009, Gallup showed President Barack Obama with a 55% approval rating and a 37% disapproval rating.

Gallup surveys 1,500 US adults by telephone and has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.

Other recent surveys show Trump with a slightly higher approval rating.

Data website FiveThirtyEight's tracker of Trump's approval rating calculates recent polls while considering their reliability and methodology, and on Monday showed the president's approval rating at 37.4% with 56.6% of people disapproving of his performance as president.

It's unclear whether Trump's most recent drop is the result of Trump's initial failure to condemn a violent white supremacist gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend, though some polling experts said it was likely too soon to tell whether the president's response affected his support.

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