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Trump vehemently denies CNN report that Roger Stone told him to fire Comey, calling it 'fake news'

Trump vehemently denies CNN report that Roger Stone told him to fire Comey, calling it 'fake news'
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

Jonathan Ernst/Getty Images

Donald Trump.

President Donald Trump took to Twitter Wednesday to deny a CNN report that his longtime adviser, Roger Stone, told him to fire FBI Director James Comey.

"The Roger Stone report on @CNN is false - Fake News," Trump wrote. "Have not spoken to Roger in a long time - had nothing to do with my decision."

CNN reported that Stone recommended the president oust Comey, according to a source familiar with the pair's conversation. Stone is currently under scrutiny in multiple investigations into potential collusion between Trump associates and Russian officials during the 2016 presidential election.

CNN reported that Stone spoke to Trump ahead of Comey's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week.

Stone tweeted shortly after Trump that he was not the source.

"Never made such claim," he added. "I support decision 100%."

Contacted by Business Insider, Stone pointed to his Wednesday morning tweet.

Tuesday night, Stone, a former political operative of ex-President Richard Nixon, tweeted that "somewhere Dick Nixon is smiling. #comeyfired." Stone also tweeted both that "what Comey did to Hillary was disgraceful. I'm glad Trump fired him over it," and "essential the next FBI Director work closely with DOJ to send @HillaryClinton to prison-'no person is above the law.'"

Trump attributed Comey's Tuesday ouster to his handling of the investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she served as secretary of state, although Comey was also in the midst of investigating potential ties between Trump's campaign and Russian officials.

In his letter to Comey, Trump claimed that Comey "informed" him "on three separate occasions" that the president "was not under investigation," although that claim was made without any substantiation, and Comey had said nothing publicly of the like previously.

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