scorecardTrump's appeal is 'straight out of "1984"': Longtime Republican strategist tears into Trump's tirades against the media
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Trump's appeal is 'straight out of "1984"': Longtime Republican strategist tears into Trump's tirades against the media

Trump's appeal is 'straight out of "1984"': Longtime Republican strategist tears into Trump's tirades against the media
PoliticsPolitics3 min read


Former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt.

  • Steve Schmidt, a longtime Republican campaign strategist, tore into President Donald Trump's tirades against the media.
  • "This isn't a question about media bias," Schmidt said during a panel discussion on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher." "What we're seeing is ... somebody go to mass rallies, constantly lie to incite fervor, and a cult of personality base."
  • Schmidt referenced George Orwell's "1984," a dystopian novel about a totalitarian society, and described Trump's allure as something "straight out of" that book.
  • The former Republican strategist served in a number of GOP campaigns for nearly 30 years, including California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican presidential nominee John McCain, and President George W. Bush.

Steve Schmidt, a former Republican campaign strategist, tore into President Donald Trump's tirades against the media, which reach a boiling point during two campaign rallies this week.

Speaking to supporters at Tampa, Florida, and Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday and Thursday, Trump repeatedly gestured toward the press and labeled them as "fake news" - a term he uses to describe critical and unfavorable media coverage.

Trump supporters amplified the president's insults against networks like CNN, with some directing their angst against White House correspondent Jim Acosta, who has become one of Trump's most prominent targets.

"This isn't a question about media bias," Schmidt said during a panel discussion on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" on Friday. "What we're seeing is ... somebody go to mass rallies, constantly lie to incite fervor, and a cult of personality base. We're seeing him make victimization honorable. They're all victims, right?"

Schmidt suggested that Trump's message appealed to fringe groups, lending credence to their conspiracy theories, including the idea of the "Deep State"  - a theory that claims Justice Department and FBI officials, most likely holdovers from the Obama administration, are actively conspiring to undermine Trump's presidency.

"We're seeing the allegation of conspiracy, the 'Deep State,' hidden, nefarious movements that only the leader can see," Schmidt said. "We see the scapegoating of mass, minority populations, vulnerable populations, and then lastly, the assertion that 'I need to exercise these powers that no president has ever claimed to have.'"

"This is deliberate," Schmidt added. "This is an assault on objective truth. And once you get people to surrender their sovereignty, that what is true is what the leader says is true, what is true is what the leader believes is true, even though what's true is staring you in the face."

Schmidt referenced George Orwell's "1984," a dystopian novel about a totalitarian society, and described Trump's allure as something "straight out of" that book.

1984 film

20th Century Fox

A scene from George Orwell's "1984."

"When that happens, you're no longer living in a Democratic republic," Schmidt added. "Thirty-five percent of this country has checked out. They have joined a cult. They are obedient. They are obedient to the leader."

The former Republican strategist served in a number of GOP campaigns for nearly 30 years, including California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican presidential nominee John McCain, and President George W. Bush.

In June, following the Department of Homeland Security's enforcement of Trump's controversial "zero-tolerance" immigration policy, Schmidt called the Republican Party "fully the party of Trump" and declared he would renounce GOP.

"It is corrupt, indecent and immoral," Schmidt wrote on Twitter, referring to the GOP. "With the exception of a few Governors ... it is filled with feckless cowards who disgrace and dishonor the legacies of the party's greatest leaders."

"This Independent voter will be aligned with the only party left in America that stands for what is right and decent and remains fidelitous to our Republic, objective truth, the rule of law and our Allies," Schmidt added. "That party is the Democratic Party."

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