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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey just called in to Sean Hannity's radio show to discuss the recent 'shadow banning' accusations

Sean Wolfe   

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey just called in to Sean Hannity's radio show to discuss the recent 'shadow banning' accusations

Jack Dorsey

AP Images

  • Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey briefly called in to right-wing commentator Sean Hannity's radio show on Wednesday.
  • "We do not shadow ban," Dorsey said on the call, in response to recent accusations that the platform had made some accounts inaccessible to people.
  • Dorsey spoke about how Twitter decides to suspend or remove accounts, but didn't stray from what the company has said in the past. 
  • In addition to defending against accusations of shadow banning, Dorsey was recently under fire from the left for not suspending Alex Jones, when other tech giants like Facebook, Youtube, and Apple chose to remove his content him from their platforms. 

Twitter's Jack Dorsey made a brief appearance on the Sean Hannity Show on Wednesday.

The Twitter CEO called in to Hannity's radio show in the wake of recent accusations of shadow banning right-wing users, and after facing criticism for choosing to allow Alex Jones to remain on the platform, after tech giants like Facebook, Youtube, and Apple removed Jones from their services. 

"We do not shadow ban according to political ideology, or viewpoint, or content" Dorsey said on the call with Hannity, reiterating much of what he's publicly said in the past on the topic.

Dorsey also spoke about Twitter's process of deciding whether to suspend specific users, but didn't stray far from the company's previous talking points. 

"We have to really understand what the context of the conversation is," Dorsey said. "Some cultural contexts enable some speech that other cultural contexts don't," and added that algorithms and humans both have trouble always getting those contexts right. 

On Tuesday, Dorsey took to Twitter to explain the company's decision to let Alex Jones stay

Listen to Dorsey's full conversation with Hannity here



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