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Twitter invests in its second Indian start up within a span of two months

Twitter invests in its second Indian start up within a span of two months

  • Twitter co-founder, Biz Stone, announced that they will be investing in a Kerala based startup — Sieve.
  • Sieve is a platform for tech freelancers and agencies to provide services over the cloud.
  • This is Twitter’s second investment in an Indian tech startup after funding ShareChat, a local language social media app, in August.
Twitter co-founder, Biz Stone, just announced that he will be investing in a startup mentored by the Kerala Startup Mission —, Sieve founded by Sanja Nediyara.

This will be Twitter India’s second investment in an Indian technology start up within a span of two months. In August, Twitter put funding up for ShareChat, an Indian social media app for local languages.

"I have used the product of Sieve as a freelancer. As an Angel, I consider the person first, and the product second. I find Sanjay as a dedicated, empathetic and extremely hardworking individual," stated Stone during a video conference at Huddle Kerala 2019.

In both instances, Twitter has not disclosed the amount it has invested.

What is Sieve?

Sieve is a platform for tech freelancers and agencies. It provides services like infrastructure to websites, creating digital signatures or even manages invoices.

As of now, Sieve only serves the US market but has plans to expand into Europe.

The aim is to allow entrepreneurs to build Internet companies in the cloud. Using Sieve, freelancers from all over the world can form companies, and work from anywhere in the world.

Not just Twitter

Sieve’s other investor is Friends of Oorjja, an ecosystem to help individuals from the differently-abled community. Nediyara received help from mentors in the banking industry and Otis Elevators.

Google also showed an interest in Nediyara’s startup when they invited him to their annual developers conference, Google I/O.

See also:
Facebook India Head explains 3 ways that Indian tech startups need to transform


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