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Twitter Is Hiring To Get Into The News Business

Twitter Is Hiring To Get Into The News Business
Tech1 min read

dick costolo


Twitter is already a great source for news.

But now the company is gearing up to take it a step further.

Twitter recently posted a job listing seeking someone to lead up its news and journalism department.

We first saw the news on The Guardian.

"You will be responsible for devising and executing the strategies that make Twitter indispensable to newsrooms and journalists, as well as an essential part of the operations and strategy of news organizations and TV news networks," the listing states. "You should have a strong vision for the broad potential of Twitter and news, while also being able to rigorously manage and scale the news team's daily impact."

To be clear, Twitter isn't planning to produce its own news, at least not right now.

Instead, the ultimate goal is to increase the volume and quality of news content found on Twitter, increase the number journalists using Twitter, increase the number and quality of on-air integrations, and further grow Twitter as a tool for discovering news stories.

