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Twitter Missed A Huge Opportunity To Acquire Instagram In 2012

Twitter Missed A Huge Opportunity To Acquire Instagram In 2012
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TWITTER MISSED OUT ON INSTAGRAM: Twitter's failed attempt to acquire Instagram in 2012 is now coming back to bite it. Twitter's user growth is slowing and engagement is declining. Meanwhile, in the last year, Instagram has doubled the number of monthly active users it has, to about 180 million.

According to a recent Pew Research study, more than half of Twitter users are also active on Instagram. As such, Twitter would have benefitted tremendously from integrating Instagram more closely with its platform. Instead, Facebook is now the service benefiting from Instagram's popularity - and don't forget about the tens of millions of photos that Instagram users upload every day. (Quartz)

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RAKUTEN ACQUIRES MESSAGING APP: Japanese e-commerce company Rakuten will buy Viber, a popular mobile messaging app, for $900 million, according to Reuters. (Reuters)

HOW VIBER STACKS UP: We published a chart showing the user growth rates for WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, and Viber. The key takeaway is that Viber isn't as big or fast-growing as its competitors. (BI Intelligence)

FACEBOOK NEWS FEED REVELATIONS: There have been a lot of theories about why Facebook is changing the way content is sorted in the News Feed. Businesses - from publishers to mom-and-pop shops - rely on the News Feed for exposure, so there is a lot at stake for many. Business Insider's Nicholas Carlson spoke to a source familiar with Facebook's News Feed plans, and here's what he learned:

  • Facebook has decided that users don't really care about brand content that appears in their News Feed. Brands will need to buy ads for guaranteed reach.
  • The number of fans a brand page has does not equate to the number of people who will see its content.
  • Facebook tested a News Feed that scrolls through content faster, but user engagement decreased so it's not going to roll out that feature.
  • The News Feed will give priority to old news if it's still more important than the most recent news.
  • Facebook is aware that there are social media marketers who claim they can game the system, but now they can't, and so there will likely be consolidation akin to the search engine optimization industry. (Business Insider)

FACEBOOK ADDS GENDER OPTIONS FOR USER PROFILES: Facebook users can now choose from up to 10 different gender types to describe themselves. Facebook worked with LGBT advocacy organizations to come up with the new gender definitions. (Facebook)

YAHOO RAMPS UP NATIVE ADS: Yahoo is packaging brand content on Tumblr and distributing it across multiple Yahoo Web properties, effectively creating a new type of native ad offering. Yahoo's display ad business has been shrinking for a while, and the company hopes it can offset that decline with a large native ad business. (AdAge)

QUOTE OF THE DAY: " … Everybody thinks they know Yahoo. They think they know it because they used it in 1998. When you go and look at, it doesn't look a lot like 1998. When you see Stream Ads, it doesn't look like 1998." - Ned Brody, Yahoo's head of the Americas.

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