scorecardWashington Redskins head coach says he 'didn't know it was possible' for a game to end in a tie after draw against Bengals
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Washington Redskins head coach says he 'didn't know it was possible' for a game to end in a tie after draw against Bengals

Washington Redskins head coach says he 'didn't know it was possible' for a game to end in a tie after draw against Bengals
Sports2 min read

Gail Burton/AP

Neither the Washington Redskins or Cincinnati Bengals were able to score in overtime in Week 8, and the game ended in a 27-27 tie.

The result apparently even caught Washington head coach Jay Gruden by surprise.

After the game, Gruden admitted he was confused about how to feel, not realizing that games could end in a tie if the score remained even after a full overtime period.

While the NFL overtime rules can be confusing to some, it's pretty surprising to hear an NFL coach admit to being bewildered by them. 

Both teams had their chances down the stretch. Washington kicker Dustin Hopkins missed a 34-yard field goal in overtime that would have won the game. On the ensuing drive, Bengals quarterback Andy Dalton fumbled, giving the ball back to Washington, who was unable to score.

Gruden has a point that a tie is an odd result in a game like football, but to not know that a game could end in a tie is an unusual admission.

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