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What Software Engineers Make At 15 Of The World's Largest Companies

What Software Engineers Make At 15 Of The World's Largest Companies
Enterprise1 min read

We're constantly writing about the over-the-top salaries some software engineers make in Silicon Valley, where the need is high and talent is scarce.

But the truth is, not every company pays its software engineers a huge salary.

We asked job-hunting site Glassdoor to sift through its massive database of salary information to come up with a list of the companies that pay the best, among the most biggest companies in the world based on market cap. (Note: Glassdoor only included companies in which at least 20 software engineers reported their salaries in the past two years.)

The results are interesting: Being a software engineer (also called "programmer" or "software developer") is a good paying job, no matter where you work. But even in the tech industry, software engineers are not, on average, getting outrageous paychecks. And one huge retailer, known for low wages, pays its developers surprisingly well.

