scorecardWhatsApp Delivered A Mind-Melting 64 Billion Messages In One Day
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WhatsApp Delivered A Mind-Melting 64 Billion Messages In One Day

WhatsApp Delivered A Mind-Melting 64 Billion Messages In One Day
Tech1 min read

Messaging app WhatsApp tweeted that it hit a new record for messages.

Within 24 hours, people using the app sent 20 billion messages and recieved 44 billion messages.

That's 64 billion messages! (The reason there are more received than sent is that people send out group messages.)

For some context on how big 64 billion is, consider this:

Despite some concerns raised over privacy, WhatsApp has potential to keep growing. The Next Web writes that the app was handling only 27 billion messages this time last year.

Also, the company announced it passed 465 million monthly users and will add a new voice calling feature later this year.

