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Why we need to stop giving 'Bachelorette' villain Chad any screen time

Why we need to stop giving 'Bachelorette' villain Chad any screen time
IndiaLatest7 min read
Chad and Evan have some beefpimgdivp    ABC


Chad's a great villain, but we've had enough of him.

There's no denying "The Bachelorette's" Chad Johnson is a great villain, but why do we keep giving him screen time?

Short answer: great, entertaining television.

And I get that, but at this point, it's time to get him off of the screen and just let him go. He's incredibly offensive, and his brash actions are affecting real people.

Chad, a luxury real estate agent, was eliminated from the "Bachelorette" in week four, after making his roommate Derek so uncomfortable that he needed to move out, punching a door, ripping Evan's shirt, threatening to find Jordan after the show ended, and being confronted by JoJo about his violent tendencies.

In his reunion with the dudes and JoJo for Tuesday's Men Tell All episode, Chad was, obviously and unfortunately, the focal point of the night.

There was verbal fighting, and Chad threw jabs at everyone, including claiming Jordan just wants fame, posting photos hanging out and kissing other contestant's exes, and threatening dirt on James Taylor, who just might be the sweetest contestant this season.

And while Chad can claim that he's just being "real," his reality is problematic.

Rather than show that violent behavior and sexism should not be tolerated, the producers are using him for ratings purposes and are almost encouraging his behavior.

Here's why we've all had enough of him.

Chad has violent tendencies.

Chad has lashed out on multiple occasions, even though he may never have actually punched someone.

He verbally threatened Jordan and asked, "When you go home, you think I can't find you? You think I won't go out of my way to come to your house? I'm dead f---ing serious."

That may have been said to get a rise out of Jordan, but it's still a legitimate threat.

In another instance, he tells Alex he's mad that he can't punch him.

"It's just unfortunate that I can't hurt you right now without getting in trouble," Chad says.

One of the biggest beefs was between Chad and Evan.

The guys did stand-up comedy routines for one of the group dates. Evan took advantage of the moment to allege that Chad took steroids, which did not go over well with Chad. When Evan returned to his seat, he had to pass by Chad. After Evan gave a little push to move past Chad, Chad abruptly turned around, grabbed the back of Evan's shirt, and ripped it.

Now, I'll admit, after rewatching the altercation during the Men Tell All episode, Evan did give a slight shove, but Chad, who claimed he almost fell, didn't really seem to move much. I would say resorting to grabbing a guy isn't the best way to handle the situation, but Chad didn't leave it there.

He eventually bloodied his knuckles after punching a door in a burst of anger and then went back over to shove his hand in Evan's face.

While Wells, another contestant, admitted that the guys may have teamed up against him in a "Lord of the Flies" manner, Chad reacted to conflict with aggressive behavior, which was rather unwarranted and slightly terrifying.

He has made sexist comments.

chad the bachelorette


Chad's just thinking about why JoJo didn't want his realness.

While both on the show and after, Chad has continued to be a sexist.

During one of the group dates early on in the season, the guys were asked to say what they loved about JoJo. When JoJo asked Chad for his answer, he called her "naggy" and thought it was a funny joke. Excuse?

He claimed that he didn't have an answer for her, because he couldn't possibly know enough about her in a few short dates to say anything. Valid. But why call her naggy for asking you to play the reality TV show game? That's the whole point of going on the show. If you aren't into it, why do it in the first place? Or at least tell her what you've enjoyed talking about so far.

When JoJo eliminated him, his response was to say she "is either an actress or she's a complete [----], there's only two options." Oh, okay. Yeah, that's why she's not interested.

Since then, his Twitter has been filled with some cringe-worthy, sexist tweets.

Or maybe a girl can just travel on her own and do what she wants with her own life?

Following Men Tell All, Chad told ABC News that he was the villain because he was "real," and said, "If you fall in love with a girl right off the bat because of her looks, you'll do it again ... It's not about that. It's about aligning with somebody based on their personality." Again, that's valid, but it's not a sign of a good personality when a guy literally just comments about "hot girls."

Okay, there.

He just thrives on the attention.

chad the bachelorette


To clarify, Chad told GQ that he cooked the sweet potato first.

It's hard to believe that Chad hasn't always been or isn't a total jerk, but since his portrayal on the show, he's continued to feed off of the attention.

That's not really surprising considering a look at his Twitter feed shows that he is self-assured and conceited.

In an interview with GQ, he revealed that he's moving to Los Angeles because he's now too busy to look through all of the "thousand" emails for his job in Tulsa. When "Million Dollar Listing" comes up as a suggestion, Chad doesn't turn it down.

"That's kind of what I'll have to do," he said. "To be honest, a real estate agent looking like me in Oklahoma is not a regular thing. No one wants to leave me at home with their wife."

Confidence is one thing, but then what's the point in attacking someone else?

During Men Tell All, Chad asked JoJo if he could say some things, wished her the best, and then dissed her final two choices with a villainous smirk on his face.

JoJo wasn't having it.

"Oh, I could go off right now," she said. "[But] it's not even worth my time. Because he loves this. This is what he wants. He loves the attention, and we're giving it to him, so he's not even worth my breath."

She got a standing O for that response from all the guys, and thanked all of them, except for Chad, for the respect they've given her.

Unfortunately, he's still getting the attention as he's going to be on the third season of "Bachelor in Paradise."

chad bachelor in paradise


Leave Chris Harrison alone, Chad.

During the Men Tell All, viewers were given a brief glimpse at the upcoming "Paradise" season, premiering August 2.

Over a clip of Evan being placed in an ambulance and covered with an oxygen mask, contestants talk about Hurricane Chad and how he was unleashed.

Every time the producers cut montages of an injured Evan and an angry Chad together during "The Bachelorette," the two usually had nothing to do with each other. But even if that's still the case in "Paradise," that doesn't change the fact that at some point Chad goes off.

He is basically required to be followed by a security guard for the safety of others, and he definitely lays into host Chris Harrison.

"Chad, you're making this a lot worse than it has to be," a frustrated Chris tells him, security guard by his side.

"You went to sleep last night with a mimosa and a robe on," he replies. Cut to another screen, and Chad says, "F--- you, Chris Harrison."

Villains may make ratings go up, but this is dealing with real people, and it needs to stop.

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