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Yahoo News Poached A New York Times Editor To Be Its New Editor In Chief

Yahoo News Poached A New York Times Editor To Be Its New Editor In Chief
Tech1 min read

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Stephen Lam, Reuters

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer.

Yahoo announced today that Megan Liberman, a former deputy editor at the New York Times, will be the new editor in chief of Yahoo News.

Yahoo says Liberman will focus on original reporting, video, and live events coverage. Liberman was most recently the deputy editor for The New York Times Magazine.

Here's the full announcement from Yahoo:

Yahoo News has tapped Megan Liberman, deputy news editor of The New York Times, to be our new editor in chief. She will lead a major expansion of Yahoo News, bringing in new voices and defining features for the site. She will focus primarily on original reporting, social news gathering, video and live events coverage.

"Megan is a dynamic addition to the Yahoo News team," said Robertson Barrett, Vice President of Yahoo News and Finance. "As deputy news editor at The New York Times she drove some of the most successful digital initiatives, from its blog network to Nate Silver's multi-platform presence to live streamed coverage of the 2012 elections. She is a natural fit to lead editorial for the world's largest news site, and she will help us take Yahoo News to the next level."

Prior to her most recent role at the Times, Megan served as deputy editor at The New York Times Magazine where she was responsible for all digital features and strategy. She also directed the magazine's political coverage, supervised other Times magazines, and launched the Times' parenting blog, Motherlode.

Megan earned her bachelor's degree at Barnard College and received a masters from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. She lives in New York City with her family. She starts at Yahoo today.

