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Yes, The Founder Of Hot Startup Rap Genius Really Did Just Say What You Think He Said

Yes, The Founder Of Hot Startup Rap Genius Really Did Just Say What You Think He Said
Tech2 min read

Rap Genius' co-founder Mahbod Moghadam isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.

In an interview with tech newsletter Wakefield, Mahbod ripped Mark Zuckerberg and the New York Times with pretty vulgar language.

Rap Genius is a site that annotates rap lyrics but it has ambitions to become much bigger. It raised $15 million in funding from venture firm Andreessen Horowitz, and its objective is to provide annotations for just about everything on the web.

In the interview with Wakefield, Moghadam talks about how he got in trouble with Mark Zuckerberg:

Apparently Zuck never leaves his house because he’s so afraid of people photographing him, and then our investor – his house is one of the only places where Zuck feels safe – so our investor invited Zuck and Nas over. They were chilling together, and I asked if I could take a photo. He was like “Let’s hold off, let’s hold off,” and I just couldn’t resist – I was drunk, and I went paparazzi and Instagrammed it, and I didn’t even think it would be a thing.

Zuckerberg Nas Ben Horowitz


One of the photos in question.

Zuckerberg was upset after the press picked up the photo and told Moghadam to take the photo down. He took the photo down and apologized to Zuckerberg. But he doesn't seem particularly contrite about it:

We wrote a letter of apology and I feel sorry. I regret taking it, I hope this has taught me some maturity, it certainly got me in a lot of trouble. But then on the other hand, f--- that fool – that’s Nas the Don. It’s not like I’m taking a picture of him smoking weed.

He also had some choice words for the New York Times:

They talked mad s--- about us and said we were Orientalists or whatever, but honestly they can suck my d--- because they’re Carlos Slim’s ho.

So, uh, yeah, there's that. He reiterated his stance at the end of the interview saying:

Alright so I told you the New York Times is Carlos Slim’s ho, I told you Zuck can suck my d---, what else is there? You know it’s all about the love, I don’t know why I’m being this aggressive.

Read the whole thing, there's much more to enjoy, at Wakefield >

