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10 charts that show why the economy feels so bad - even though it sounds so good

10 charts that show why the economy feels so bad - even though it sounds so good

rich people

Leon Neal/Getty Images

Rising inequality is one problem with the apparently robust US economy.

  • By most major indicators, the $4 is doing pretty well right now.
  • But many Americans feel left out of the apparent boom.
  • We put together 10 charts that help illustrate that divergence.
  • $4

Although there are some clouds on the horizon hinting at a possible $4, most of the major US economic indicators are pretty strong right now.

Economic growth is steady, the unemployment rate is extremely low, and the stock market has massively rebounded since the last financial crisis.

Read more: $4

But despite that, many Americans feel left out of the apparent boom. Rising costs and debt, stagnant wages, and high and rising $4 create a sense of a two-track economy, where the winners get richer and everyone else has to run faster just to stay where they are.

Here are 10 charts that break down why people are struggling, even when the economy appears so strong.


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