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11 reasons why it's taking you so long to succeed in life

11 reasons why it's taking you so long to succeed in life

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According to a Quora user, you could be scared of failure, or of losing money (or both).

  • Success can take a long, long time.
  • If you have a business idea that isn't making any money, or a promotion that isn't happening just yet, there may be an answer to why your hard work isn't paying off.
  • Here are 11 answers from $4 on why it's taking you so long to succeed.
  • $4

Almost no one is an overnight success. Just because you haven't gotten your business up and running yet, or gotten the promotion you've been expecting, it doesn't mean you never will.

There are a number of possible explanations for a long-awaited pay-off that hasn't arrived. It could be because you haven't failed enough, or that your ego is in the way.

We compiled the best responses from $4 to this question: "Why is it taking me so long to succeed?"

Here are their answers.


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