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13 crucial pieces of relationship advice we learned from our parents

Bobbie Edsor   

13 crucial pieces of relationship advice we learned from our parents
Strategy1 min read

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Unsplash/Dc Lovensky

21st century relationships are a minefield.

While you're already worrying about building a successful and genuine connection with someone you care about, you also have to maneuver past modern - and often cruel - dating trends such as ghosting and benching.

But not every relationship is destined to fail.

In an attempt to prove that love can prosper even in the modern day, Business Insider staff asked their parents for their number one piece of relationship advice - because who are you more likely to turn to in the throes of heartbreak than mum and dad?

The resulting advice - collated from parents that are married, in long-term relationships, and divorced - all seemed to fall into five categories: listening, being kind, understanding your self-worth, spending time together, and nurturing your connection.

Scroll on to discover the 13 pieces of crucial relationship advice we learned from our parents:


