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20 Non-Blockbuster Movies To See This Summer

20 Non-Blockbuster Movies To See This Summer

a most wanted man


One of Philip Seymour Hoffman's final appearances in "A Most-Wanted Man."

The summer movie season has officially begun, which means you, the moviegoer, will be forced to make some tough decisions over the next three months: Do you go see the new Seth Rogen raunch-comedy or the latest superhero blockbuster? Are you more in the mood for transforming robots or evolved apes? A cackling Angelina Jolie or a riotous Melissa McCarthy? Channing Tatum's bulging pectorals or Dwayne Johnson's bulging pectorals?

Naturally, we have your back when it comes to breaking down the big-budget blockbusters and big-name studio releases that will be taking over your multiplexes from Memorial Day until Labor Day - but what if you're looking for something besides the latest pop-franchise installment or A-list star vehicle to see?

Check out the best indie movies here >

Man can not live on cheeseburgers alone, and the same goes for the movies: occasionally, you crave something without giant lizards and blue-skinned mutants.

So we've put together a list of 20 off-the-beaten-path films coming out between now and the end of August that will satisfy your alternative-viewing needs - the documentaries, indies, foreign-language flicks and a few straight-up unclassifiable projects that will also be coming to a theater near you soon. Some have recognizable names attached, while others are the cinematic equivalent of a blind date. All of them will offer you a break from the blockbuster blues.

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