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29 People With 'Soft' College Majors Who Became Extremely Successful

29 People With 'Soft' College Majors Who Became Extremely Successful

Lloyd Blankfein

Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein majored in government at Harvard.

As a new crop of college students arrive on American campuses this fall, many will be forced to consider whether to major in a more creative, "softer" discipline like English, or begin charting their career path with a "hard" major like business or physics.

While the liberal arts are often bemoaned for offering few post-college job opportunities, the truth is that a great many of our nation's most successful business executives and political figures spent their undergraduate careers studying things like classics and psychology.

Here are 29 extremely successful people who prove that it's possible to climb the ladder without a bachelor's degree in business or science.


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