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3 great TV shows to watch on Netflix this week

Carrie Wittmer   

3 great TV shows to watch on Netflix this week
Entertainment1 min read

Made in Mexico


The first season of Netflix's reality series "Made in Mexico" dropped on September 28.

Peak TV is too much TV. But we're here to make it easier to pick what shows to watch.

Every week, we put together a list of three great shows for you to try.

We pick shows you can finish in a day, and others you can try out and binge for weeks to come. And it's not just new releases either: We mix in some old favorites you might have missed in addition to shows that have recently landed on Netflix.

From Netflix's new reality series "Made in Mexico" to "Designated Survivor," a canceled show that Netflix recently saved, here are three great TV shows you can binge-watch on Netflix this week:


