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4 Big Takeaways From Micromax In India

4 Big Takeaways From Micromax In India
Micromax has come a long way. They knew the exact science behind the mobile business, as the starting partners at Micromax were Mobile distributors for a big international chain before this. Rahul Sharma, the main face behind the excellent work the Micromax team has done in the recent few years, has been taking the company to the next level.

They brought in Samsung’s Vineet Taneja and Airtel’s Sanjay Kapoor on board to further cement the business. Micromax knew what to do, when to do, how to do and with a bit of luck managed to streamline everything to take on world giants. Here are our 4 big takeaways from the splendid performance of Micromax in India.

Cricket is the pulse of the nation
What else do Indians love besides their daily cup of tea and ‘masaledaar’ food. No points for guessing, it is cricket. The sport is the pulse of the nation and Micromax heads knew that from the word go. They started spending hard on the sport and became title sponsors in many national and international cricketing tournaments where the Indian cricket team would participate.

This was an instant hit for them and people could recognise the brand. The viewership of the game is sky high and the Indian mobile maker took full advantage of it. The statement Micromax is building products for the masses, was heard loud and clear.

Spend hard, make it big
It is all about money baby. We have heard the phrase in so many Hollywood and Bollywood movies. Micromax uses its money well and they know who the right partner for them is. One can see advertisements from them left, right and centre. Whether it’s the daily newspapers, gadget magazine and website, you are most likely to find a Micromax commercial on them. Cricketing events, large scale hoardings and more, they did it all. Micromax played the money game well.

Price is the key factor
If a product is not priced well it generally does not sell. Micromax is building its phones in China, but they do some of its R&D in India. They make sure they give the best at the right price. High-end mobile instruments under the 20K bracket was one of the first seen by Micromax. The budget smartphone game was fuelled by Micromax and for a price sensitive market like India, they sure did hit the nail hard on its head.

Tier 2 and Tier 3 are talk of the town
While most mobile makers thought of metros and big cities. Micromax went further. A major chunk of the Indian population stays in the Tier 2 and Tier 3 towns. They made sure in the last few years to capture that part and bolster themselves in each and every home. Micromax has become a household name in small towns of India. We have seen Micromax phones in remote corners of the country and these towns supply a lot of cash to the company. Makes sense for others to head there as well.


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