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5 Big Takeaways From Last Night’s Apple iPhone 6 Event

5 Big Takeaways From Last Night’s Apple iPhone 6 Event
No matter what they do, everyone around the world who know a decent amount about a mobile phone, laptop or desktop, waits in anticipation for an Apple event. Yesterday was no different as millions around the world watched the Apple event live to drool over the new iPhones and the iWatch.

The crowd went wild as soon as Tim Cook came on stage. We knew that the new iPhone 6 is around the corner and it should be great. The event went live and Tim showed not one but 2 iPhones. But, that was not all. The icing on the cake was the iWatch. While many reports trashed the news of the Apple iWatch, we had a hunch that they just might showcase a prototype, if not the final product. It was a gala event last night and here are our 5 big takeaways from the event.

At times even giants follow
Steve Jobs was a visionary. He created things that people would love to use. However, times have changed now. Apple might be a tech giant, but even they need to follow the new rules. Consumers have a short attention span and likings. Their wants change and large screen phones are stealing Apple’s thunder.

To gain some momentum in the big screen market, they had to follow the already carved plan. Apple iPhone 6 Plus is the perfect example. Apple had to trail the trend other mobile makers have created. iWatch is another example from last night that shows Apple’s let’s follow attitude. They definitely do not have the first mover advantage over here, but hopefully the Apple smartwatch will appeal to Apple lovers.

The secret is out
Apple tries to keep everything hush-hush. However, they are not able to do so anymore. They are a high-priority target for the gadget paparazzi. The shape and size of the iPhone 6 was seen over a month ago. Even the case moulds got leaked from China. Yes, there was a slight confusion on the number of models, but the phone leaks and images were bang on. Probably Apple needs a bigger safe to keep all its trade secrets well-guarded.

Large screens are the monitors of the future
If Apple has done it that means it is going to last for long. Apple generally does not invest in a strategy or a product that will not run for long. Large screens phones are a huge hit around the globe and every from Samsung to Micromax is building these big marvels to woo the customers.

It made perfect sense for Apple to go this way and introduce it to the Apple fanboys. Let’s face it, big screen smartphones are here to stay and people love them. We would not be astonished if a Mini version of the iPad comes with calling feature.

Apps will grow many folds
Apple revolutionised the applications usage and culture. The Apple app store has a millions of apps and is growing by leaps and bounds as we speak. Yes the app market is super crowded. But, one would not call you unwise to invest in an app. If you have a bright idea and can convert it into an app. Then by all means you should. With devices like these, the demand for apps will just increase. In-app advertising is a good revenue generator in India, which will also grow steadily. If you have not thought of an app idea, think of one now.

India is a priority market for Apple
Couple of years ago the Apple iPhones used to come to India after 4-6 months. The trend has changed now. The new iPhones are coming to India on October 17. We need not say more.


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