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5 books that will help you overcome the biggest struggles people have at work

Isabel Galupo   

5 books that will help you overcome the biggest struggles people have at work
Strategy1 min read

girl reading book car road trip


  • Everyone faces conflicts at work, whether it's the stress of negotiating a raise or the fear that you don't fit in with your coworkers.
  • No matter what is keeping you down at work, there's a book out there full of practical advice to get you back on track.
  • We found the five books to help you tackle common career issues.

Stuck in a career rut? We've all been there.

Maybe it's an efficiency issue: you're working countless nights and weekends but just barely making a dent in your to-do list. Maybe it's a matter of workplace toxicity: a competitive coworker or vindictive boss making it hard to come into the office every day.

Or maybe you're simply bored with the same old work you've been doing for years.

No matter the issue, there are countless books by work experts filled with practical advice to help you get back on track.

We've rounded up five great books to help you overcome common obstacles to your professional goals. Check them out below:

