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7 brilliant ways to start a presentation

7 brilliant ways to start a presentation
Strategy1 min read

"The beginning is the most important part of the work." -Plato

When we speak, we have about 60 seconds to capture our audience's attention, establish credibility, orient them to our topic, and motivate them to listen, says Darlene Price, president of Well Said, Inc., and author of "Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results."

If you waste those precious opening seconds with a joke, an agenda, an apology, housekeeping details, a string of thank-yous, or a rambling, pointless paragraph littered with "ums" and "uhs," your audience's minds are likely to drift, and you may not get them back. "You need to put the art in the start, the most important part of the work," says Price.

That's a tall order for any speaker - and it requires us to develop and rehearse a well-crafted, attention-getting opener.

Price offers seven options:


