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7 successful people share the one guilty purchase they can't live without

7 successful people share the one guilty purchase they can't live without

Gretchen Rubin


Gretchen Rubin, author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller "The Happiness Project," shares her guilty purchase on "So Money."

We all have guilty pleasures.

From wealthy entrepreneurs to multiple bestselling authors and top entertainment personalities, I routinely ask guests on my podcast "$4" to spill the beans on their top splurge, the one item that they spend oodles of money on … and can't bear to live without.

From the very first Apprentice Bill Rancic to comedian Margaret Cho and the Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger, here's what seven of my guests had to say.

Farnoosh Torabi is an award-winning financial author and host of the daily podcast "So Money>$4." Want to learn more? Download her free e-book, "SoMoney Secrets: Financial Habits of Highly Successful People.>$4"


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