scorecard9 Awkward Boss-Employee Conversations During Appraisal Meetings
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9 Awkward Boss-Employee Conversations During Appraisal Meetings

9 Awkward Boss-Employee Conversations During Appraisal Meetings
Careers1 min read
Every year, there comes a month when workplaces are abuzz with what the company’s plans are for rewarding employees, while your mind is pondering - who will get a promotion, whether I will get a handsome salary hike or not, will they just hand me a promotion etc. As much as everyone wants a good appraisal from the manager, it’s fretful for us to face our bosses in the meeting room face-to-face as he is busy scrutinizing the self-applauded review form we have filled up. It’s that one moment in your life that comes every year when you are at your optimistic best despite knowing your boss and his manipulative ways too well.

While the boss has to get his hands dirty in reviewing its employees in a fixed organizational budget, you still have hopes as high as the Burj Khalifa. And then when the moment comes, the skyscraper in your head comes falling down. It crashes and explodes from within- fire, venom, and hate and sometimes humour too, except that these emotions don’t get an outlet. You swallow your pain, and put up a smiling face showing the undying spirit till you walk out of that boiler room and finally EXPLODE in front of colleagues, friends or maybe in the washroom. You’re not alone, it happens with everyone, and so here are 9 awkward boss-employee conversations that unfold in the nail biting moments within an appraisal meeting room:

