scorecardIIT-JEE (Advanced) Topper Aman Bansal shares how he secured Rank 1 in one of India's Toughest Exam
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IIT-JEE (Advanced) Topper Aman Bansal shares how he secured Rank 1 in one of India's Toughest Exam

IIT-JEE (Advanced) Topper Aman Bansal shares how he secured Rank 1 in one of India's Toughest Exam
Careers2 min read
Aman Bansal, the boy from Jaipur, who has topped the IIT-JEE(Advanced) Exams is the talk of the town ever since the results were announced early on Sunday morning.

Ask the boy how he managed to top one of the toughest exams in the country, and there comes his reply – “It is really very surprising for me. I was not very sure that I’d achieve first rank. I was just doing my best all this while.”

Also Read: IIT-JEE (Advanced) results are out, and the Pink City just can't stop rejoicing!

Bansal’s success mantra, however, lies in what he calls a not-so-tight routine. “I used to keep a daily/weekly fixed target routine where I would try and achieve as much as possible. Throughout the 12 months of preparation, I followed this to keep myself on track for finishing the syllabus and have enough time for revision subsequently.”

He said he did not feel that the level of questions in JEE Main examination were extraordinarily difficult this year. “It remains more or less the same every year. My score was 186 each in Paper-1 and Paper-2. Between Mains and Advanced, I personally feel none was tough for me. But if I had to choose, I would say Mains had many complicated questions compared to Advanced. I found advanced easier for me. Also, Mains was lengthier.”

He also has an advice for others who will appear for the test next year – “This year exam was more factual than previous years. It may continue. Please make sure you are prepared for both conceptual and factual.”

The boy is planning to celebrate his success rather humbly - by spending time with parents and friends, who, he says, have helped him a lot throughout his preparation phase.

But before that, he is happy to share some more tips on how aspirants should prepare. Here take cue from his own experience. Bansal studied for 8 hours daily apart from attending the coaching classes. He took lot of mock tests and says it helps a lot in preparing for the ultimate day. Physics and Mathematics were his two favourite subjects, and he says, he never felt they were tough because he enjoyed solving the questions.

“I was attentive everywhere, so all I had to do was revise whatever they would teach me and do my homework for the class,” Bansal says, adding that even as he put all his energy and hard work in cracking this exam, he handled stress and pressure very calmly.

Now, this Jaipur lad wants to opt for IIT Bombay. “I am thinking about taking up Computer science as my specialization. I will do some research work, but haven’t decided which subject I will choose for research,” he says.

As he concludes his enriching experience, the motivating words coming from this young boy are – “Try to give your best and you will succeed one day. Never get bogged down by the facts that you are from rural/poor background. Its only hard work that matters and nothing else.”

(Image credit: JEE Website)

