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Marco Rubio is surging in New Hampshire - and he's narrowing the gap with Donald Trump

Marco Rubio is surging in New Hampshire - and he's narrowing the gap with Donald Trump

marco rubio

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) surged in a new poll after his better-than-expected third-place finish in the Monday-night Iowa caucuses.

A new CNN-WMUR New Hampshire $4 published on Thursday found Rubio netting support from 18% of GOP voters there, up seven points from before the Iowa caucuses.

The results vaulted Rubio to second place. He trailed only front-runner Donald Trump, who captured 29% support in Thursday's poll.

The poll found Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in third with 13%, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) in fourth with 12%, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) in fifth with 10%.

Rubio has also $4 in other New Hampshire and national polls.

Despite finishing third in Iowa, $4 by surpassing expectations for his performance in the state. The campaign reported being flooded with donations and rolled out several endorsements, including former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania), who ended his own campaign Wednesday.

Following Rubio's finish in Iowa, several Republican rivals have $4 their rhetorical attacks on the senator. 

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), whose poll numbers surged in the state last month, sunk to 4% support in Thursday's poll. He has been taking increasing aim at Rubio on the campaign trail.

"Marco Rubio hasn't accomplished one thing in his entire career. I mean, the fact is this is a guy who has only done one thing in the United States Senate - that was writing an amnesty bill for illegal immigrants and then to run away from it when the heat got turned up," Christie $4 in a Thursday "Morning Joe" interview..

Bush has also criticized Rubio, mocking the senator's speech following his third place finish.

The CNN/WMUR poll had a noticeably high, 6.8-point margin of error.



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